MOC: Modern Fire Truck to fit inside of 10197 - LEGO Town
2011年5月8日 · After a break of many many years, I got back into Lego. The first really big set I got was the Fire Brigade 10197. I was a bit disappointed as the firefighter minifigs were modern, but they had a vintage fire truck. (I was also a bit unhappy they were a bit on the plain side with standard faces.)...
[Mod] 10197: Fire Brigade - LEGO Town - Eurobricks Forums
2015年3月3日 · Here's my unofficial Fire Brigade Modular. Built with parts from my collection, PAB, and Brickowl. The main difference is that I used masonry profile bricks.
MOC: New truck for Fire Brigade 10197 - LEGO Town - Eurobricks …
2012年5月2日 · Believe it or not, that means you got the newer truck sized just right. Every real world fire department has encountered that issue where the new style modern fire trucks are just a hair too long to fit in the old in unmodified buildings. Often they discover this when they back the new truck in and knock down an interior wall Pretty much every classic pre 1970's street front / …
MOD: 10197 Fire Brigade XL 64 studs wide - LEGO Town
MOD: 10197 Fire Brigade XL 64 studs wide By LegoSjaak, June 10, 2014 in LEGO Town
10197 Fire Bridage instructions errors - LEGO Town - Eurobricks …
2011年10月31日 · Heyja, Just recently I bought the 10197 Fire Bridage off Pixmania.com. While my girlfriend was building it, she noticed something strange; sometimes the brick count is missing (in the little box, top left corner of every page). You'd for example have to place 4 grey 1x4 bricks, and the inventory ...
Lego Fire Brigade 10197 SOLD OUT - eurobricks.com
2011年10月4日 · As reported first here: Reported I went and investigated, and sure enough, the 10197 Fire Brigade is not showing up in the Canada or USA online S@H store. If you change your country to UK or Australia, and load the item, it shows up, and then you can change the country to Canada or USA and it wil...
MOD 10197 Fire Brigade - 2 bays - LEGO Town - Eurobricks Forums
2013年2月18日 · Hi After taking a while to find a good time to upload this, as there have been a few good variations of this Modular plus the Coastguard version and after several requests, I thought now was a good at time as any to upload my version of a 2 bay MOD of the 10197 Fire Brigade. I built this over a y...
MOD: 10197 Fire Brigade XL 64 studs wide - LEGO Town
2014年6月10日 · I do like the tunnel though, with all the fire vehicles Lego make, you'd think the fire service would need a spot at the back for some, or to wash or repair the current fire fighting equipment.
Lego 10197 Fire Brigade New Build & Review - eurobricks.com
2014年8月1日 · All Activity Home Forums Themes LEGO Town Lego 10197 Fire Brigade New Build & Review
10197 Fire Brigades - LEGO Town - Eurobricks Forums
2009年9月25日 · This year, although I liked the 10197 Fire Brigade set less than its predecessors, I decided to repeat the experiment. I bought 2x the full set of 10197 and then using Bricklink & the instructions ordered the parts to build 4 more middle floors.