This is why you don't add LFS water to your tank
2013年2月15日 · My LFS was having a really hard time finding decent employees because most of the reef nuts are older, have families, and already work full-time at other places. Being …
Wet live rock from LFS - Aquascaping Forum - Nano-Reef …
2019年12月31日 · Wet live rock from LFS Wet live rock from LFS. By Salkio, December 31, 2019 in Aquascaping Forum. ...
LFS RO Water TDS is 80 ppm - Nano-Reef Community
2012年3月2日 · Just received my TDS meter today, so im in MEASURE ALL THE THINGS! mode. RO that i get from my LFS is 80 ppm. Should I be looking for another source of RO? …
What TDS is acceptable? - Nano-Reef Community
2013年4月26日 · I just got a TDS meter to check the water I have been getting from the LFS. The meter reads 31 ppm. This is considerably better than the 150 ppm tap water around here. …
Coco worm care - Invertebrate Forum - Nano-Reef Community
2019年4月28日 · I recently got a coco worm (Protula bispiralis) from my LFS. They convinced me that it’s easy to care for them and so I bought it. After doing more research I realized I really …
LFS on Long Island - Manhattan Reefs
2006年11月29日 · Reefs.com Discussion - Anyone have any good/bad experiences with LFS stores on LI, (more nassau than suffolk but I would take the ride if it is worth it) I was in a store …
white sebae anemone - Beginners Discussion - Nano-Reef …
2010年10月30日 · From now on, take all advice from your LFS with a large grain of salt and avoid purchase decisions you weren't planning on before you arrived. If they are recommending a …
Bubble coral without skeleton - Nano-Reef Community
2008年3月11日 · So, that can be a possiblity. The LFS that i went to had the bubble coral for about a month. I came in there and saw that they had a very small bubble and i came back …
Low alkalinity, what does this mean and what should I do?
2019年4月5日 · Until you get your own RODI machine, buy RODI water from the LFS or jugs of distilled from Walmart (should be less than $1/g regardless of how you do it) and a quality salt …
when to start using my protein skimmer - Nano-Reef Community
2015年1月10日 · Pretty much up to you, LFS guy was probabbly concerned it would keep your tank to clean and leave the nitrifying bacteria no ammonia process, unlikely in my opinion but …