LG L1100 - Full phone specifications - GSMArena.com
LG L1100 phone. Announced Q2 2004. Features TFT, 65K colors display, 950 mAh battery, 1 MB storage.
LG L1100 specs - PhoneArena
Oct 21, 2020 · LG L1100 is global roaming GSM camera phone. It sports color display, built-in VGA camera, GPRS data, Infrared, J2ME, WAP browser, voice recording and voice-activated dialing. The L1150 model also adds 850 MHz support.
LG L1100 - full specs, details and review - productindetail.com
A detailed list of technical data, specifications, ratings and expert review of LG L1100. Get a comprehensive look at your chosen phone and see if this is the one that will best suit your needs. You can also use the comparison feature to compare with other competing phones.
LG L1150 / L1100 Specs, Features (Phone Scoop)
Detailed features and specs for the LG L1150 / L1100 for AT&T Wireless. Plus discussion forum and photos
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LG L1100 - 百度百科
LG L1100是一款LG品牌的产品。
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LG L1100 價格,規格與評價- SOGI手機王
LG L1100 價格、評價、規格 - ePrice 比價王
LG 於 11 月推出的 L1100 與 L3100,各有其獨特之處。 市面上摺疊機種非常多,但造型能夠設計得像 L1100 典雅的水滴狀,算是非常少見的美型機種。 另外,L3100 方直的外型,很有都市貴派氣息。 沉寂許久的 LG,今日終於推出早在 5 月漢城發表的百萬畫素旋轉照相手機 T5100,還有狐媚曲線機 L1100 以及男人專用的直立機 L3100,讓許多手機玩家們總算可以一圓購得這幾款手機的心願。 久無新消息的韓國大廠 LG,這個月將有三款新機上市,令人期待。 其中,L1100 這 …
LG L1100参数-配置-性能规格-参数对比-天极网 - 天极产品库
lg l1100参数页面提供真实的lg l1100配置、功能、规格以及性能参数信息,方便您快速高效的了解lg l1100。
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