LGC Standards: Reference Materials, Standards & Testing
More than 5,000 reference standards for pharmaceutical quality control. Supporting your needs for high quality reference materials for food and environmental analysis. Buy proficiency testing quickly and easily on our webshop. Bringing together VHG, ARMI|MBH, and Paragon Scientific to deliver The Material Difference. Need something specific?
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LGC(Laboratory of the Government Chemist)是分析、法医和诊断科学服务及 标准物质 方面的市场领导者,集实验室服务、测量标准、标准物质、及实验室能力验证于一体,是一个不断进步和创新的企业,LGC在极具 社会责任 的领域开展服务,支撑公众健康和 安全保证。 [1]
2024年3月8日 · LGC 是全球知名的能力验证提供者,已经在能力验证领域运营近40年,是英国UKAS认可的第一个能力验证提供者PTP (UKAS0001)。 LGC AXIO的能力验证业务覆盖多个领域,包括临床、食品饮料、环境、化妆品、制药、玩具、石油等,同时也为企业提供定制项目。 PT结果不仅仅是"满意""不满意”",更重要的是从结果中学习。 LGC AXIO提供能力验证,测量审核和质控样品,同时接受定制服务。 LGC AXIO 中国团队联系方式. 热线:0535-2129197. LGC …
LGC Ltd - Wikipedia
LGC Group, formerly the Laboratory of the Government Chemist, is an international life sciences measurement and tools company. It provides the role and duties of the UK Government Chemist, a statutory adviser to the government.
About LGC - LGC
About LGC | Science for a Safer World: Over 180 years of advancing global health, food, and environmental safety. Partnering with industries to address global health challenges, we pioneer personalised medicine and advance the safety and sustainability of our food, medicines, and environment—creating a healthier future through innovative ...
扎根中国 服务中国——LGC中国十周年庆暨南京实验室启动
Proficiency Testing Programmes and PT Schemes | LGC Standards
AXIO Proficiency Testing, LGC’s trusted experts in proficiency testing, operate programmes and schemes across the food, beverage, environmental, clinical, pharmaceutical, consumer safety, forensic and petroleum sectors - giving you confidence in your results and helping drive your laboratory’s continuous improvement.
VHG Reference Materials | LGC Standards
In 2012, VHG was acquired by LGC Standards a leading global producer and distributor of reference materials and proficiency testing schemes. LGC Standards has a portfolio of over 100,000 products, and over 40 proficiency testing schemes which support a …
LGC Genomics
LGC Genomics takes part in genome efforts and is able to submit final DNA sequences on a large scale per year. We offer a custom DNA sequencing service.