Liquid-Water Isotope Analyzer - LICA UNITED TECHNOLOGY …
The improved Los Gatos Research (LGR) Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer (model LWIA-24d) provides measurements of δ 18 O and δ 2 H of water in liquid and discrete vapor samples with unsurpassed performance.
LGR’s Isotopic Water Analyzer (model IWA-35EP) is the world’s most advanced instrument for isotopic water measurements (liquid water and water vapor). The IWA combines the features of LGR’s Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer and Water Vapor Isotope Analyzer (Enhanced Performance model) in a single instrument. Specifically, for liquid water
OA-ICOS™ GLA431-TIWA Triple Isotopic Water Analyzer - ABB …
ABB’s Tripe Isotopic Water Analyzer, GLA431-TIWA, is the only instrument for isotopic water measurements (liquid water and water vapor) capable of reporting all major isotopologues (H 2 O, H 2 HO, H 217 O, H 218 O) simultaneously.
LGR | Environmental Analytical Laboratory - University of California ...
Liquid-Water Isotope Analyzer is used for measurement of hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios in liquid water samples. The DLT-100 Liquid-Water Isotope Analyzer uses tunable, off-axis integrated-cavity laser spectroscopy developed by Los Gatos Research to measure hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition (δ18O and δ2H) in liquid water samples.
液态水同位素分析仪手册(第2版) - 理加联合科技有限公司
2010年5月5日 · 应用lgr oa-icos技术原位测量淡水生态系统中的溶解性; 水土平衡:半干旱环境中原位不饱和地区水稳定同位素(2h ; 应用基于光腔增强型激光吸收光谱技术的下一代分析仪测; lgr水同位素分析仪部分国内应用文献; lgr 二氧化碳同位素分析仪应用文献—医疗诊断
A spectroscopic instrument, LGR DLT-100, has recently been developed by Los Gatos Research Inc. to measure isotope ratios in liquid water (Figure 1). The LGR instrument measures laser absorption within a cavity with high-reflectivity mirrors to generate path lengths of several kilometres [4] resulting in clear separation of laser
IRMS: LGR DLT-100 Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer
The DLT-100 Liquid-Water Isotope Analyzer measures hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios (δ18 O and δ2 H) in liquid water samples. Sample isotope ratios are standardized using a range of reference waters which have been calibrated against …
LGR-ICOS isotopic water analyzers measure isotopic ratios in liquid and/or vapor phase. Liquid samples injected with autoloader (1ml samples in disposable glass vials). For liquid water, LGR-ICOS analyzers are equipped with Post-Analysis Software that calculates adjustments to measured isotopic ratios based on differences
OA-ICOS Deep water gas analyzers GLA631 Series - LGR-ICOS Deep water ...
The Deep-Water Gas Analyzer combines membrane separation technology with ABB's cavity enhanced laser absorption spectroscopy technology to provide in-situ measurements of methane or carbon dioxide in waters at depth to 6000 meters.
液态水同位素分析仪(LGR) Liquid water isotope analyzer
lgr 应用领域:主要用于分析天然水(地表水、地下水、大气降水)的H、O同位素组成(δD和δ18O值),可广泛应用于水文、环境、生态等多种领域。 高输出模式下,仪器对δD的分析精度±0.6‰,δ18O精度±0.2‰。