Luteinizing hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin: …
Luteinizing hormone (LH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) serve different roles in reproductive physiology: LH contributes to the driving force behind gonadal steroidogenesis and regulation of ovulation, whereas hCG (in the absence of pathologic abnormalities) is secreted in large amounts only during pregnancy .
Luteinizing hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin: …
2014年3月5日 · Luteinizing hormone (LH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) are widely recognized for their roles in ovulation and the support of early pregnancy. Aside from the timing of expression, however, the differences between LH and hCG have largely been overlooked in the clinical realm because of their similar molecular structures and shared receptor.
HCG全攻略,让你看完不再懵逼 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
HCG (humanchorionicgonadotropin)— 人绒毛膜促性腺激素,是由胎盘的滋养层细胞分泌的一种糖蛋白激素。 着床后,受精卵为了在子宫牢牢地安家,会伸出很多的小触手来抓住自宫内壁这些小触手就是人绒毛,而HCG就是由人绒毛分泌的一种激素,全称叫人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)。 HCG,是最常使用的“妊娠试验”激素,常常用来判断是否怀孕,比如早孕试纸和验孕棒都是利用这个原理。 HCG可刺激黄体由月经黄体转换为 妊娠黄体,同时促进雌激素和 黄体酮 持续分 …
测HCG,为什么测β-HCG而不测总HCG? - 知乎
LH和HCG有什么区别 - 百度
2023年8月8日 · LH和HCG的区别通常有含义不同、作用不同、测量方式不同、测量目的不同、参考值不同等。 1、含义不同:LH是指促黄体生成素,是由腺垂体细胞分泌的一种糖蛋白类促性腺激素,而HCG是人绒毛膜促性腺激素,是由胎盘的滋养层细胞分泌的一种糖蛋白。 2、作用不同:LH能够促进胆固醇在性腺细胞内转化为性激素,可以促进卵泡成熟,分泌雌激素、排卵,还有助于黄体的生成和维持,分泌孕激素和雌激素。 而HCG有助于促进胎儿稳定健康地发育。 3、 …
Luteinizing hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin
Luteinizing hormone (LH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) are integral components of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, which controls sexual maturation and functionality. In the absence of signaling through their shared receptor, fetal sexual differentiation and post-natal development c …
LH and hCG action on the same receptor results in ... - PubMed
Human luteinizing hormone (hLH) and chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) act on the same receptor (LHCGR) but it is not known whether they elicit the same cellular and molecular response. This study compares for the first time the activation of cell-signalling pathways and gene expression in response to hLH …
LH and hCG: Their Distinct Physiological Roles and Use in
LH and hCG play essential roles in the reproductive cycle. LH plays a key role in follicular maturation and the ovulation process, and hCG is the “pregnancy hormone.” LH and hCG are different in terms of structure, expression, regulation, and function. LH and hCG fundamentally differ in their expression patterns and have complex and unique aspects.
LH、HCG在辅助生殖中的应用 - 性激素检查 - 好孕帮
2018年4月26日 · hcg与lh的比较. 1、hcg与lh相比,与受体具有更强的结合力,半衰期长,1 u hcg发挥的lh活性相当于6~8 ulh。因此,hcg被认为是“长效lh类似物” [5] 。 2、人体自身分泌的lh血浆半衰期较短,约60分钟。
Human Luteinizing Hormone and Chorionic Gonadotropin Display …
2017年4月19日 · Our data indicate that rhLH and rhCG differentially promote cell responses mediated by LH/CGR revealing interesting divergences in their potencies, efficacies and kinetics: rhCG was more potent...