Mistral-class landing helicopter dock - Wikipedia
The Mistral class is a class of five landing helicopter docks built by France.
French ship Mistral (L9013) - Wikipedia
Mistral (L9013) is an amphibious assault ship, a type of helicopter carrier, of the French Navy. She is the fourth vessel to bear the name, and is the lead ship of the Mistral-class amphibious assault ships.
French Mission Jeanne D’Arc 2025 Begins Atlantic and Arctic …
2025年2月26日 · French Navy (Marine Nationale) Mistral-class LHD “Mistral” and La Fayette-class frigate “Surcouf” set sails for the North Atlantic and will transit via the Arctic as part of the “JEANNE D’ARC 2025” mission.
Classe Mistral — Wikipédia
La classe Mistral est l'ensemble des navires de la marine française de type porte-hélicoptères amphibie (PHA) 1 — ou, jusqu'en janvier 2019, bâtiment de projection et de commandement (BPC). Son appellation OTAN est Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD).
France Deploys One LHD, Two Frigates to the Eastern Mediterranean
2023年10月26日 · The French Navy (Marine Nationale) Mistral-class LHD Tonnerre departed its home port of Toulon yesterday. The vessel is now en route to the Eastern Mediterranean, an area where naval vessel presence is getting increasingly busy…
Clase Mistral - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
La clase Mistral es una clase de cinco buques de asalto anfibio, también conocidos como portahelicópteros, en servicio en las marinas francesa y egipcia.
Mistral class Amphibious Assault Command Ship French Navy
Mistral aviation capabilities approach those of the Wasp-class amphibious assault ships, for roughly 40% the cost and crew requirements of the American ship. However, they do not support fixed-wing aircraft, unlike the Wasp and America class amphibious assault ships, thus lowering procurement and operating costs.
FS Mistral L-9013 Amphibious Asault Landing Ship French Navy
2003年7月10日 · In January 2013, escorted by Chevalier Paul, Mistral took part in the ill-fated operation to retrieve Denis Allex, a DGSE officer held hostage in Bulo Marer. The Mistral ... is a strong, cold, northwesterly wind that blows from southern France into the Gulf of Lion in the northern Mediterranean.
Mistral LHD - Naval Group India
Mistral LHD. Length: 199 m. Displacement: 22000 tons. Indian Navy under Make in India issued RFP to 3 Indian shipyards to procure 4 LPDs (2 at winning shipyard and 2 on nomination to HSL). Primary mission for these ships are amphibious landing operations. They also provide command and force projection capability.
Category : Mistral class LHD - Wikimedia
2024年8月15日 · English: The Mistral class is a class of helicopter assault ship of the French Navy, capable of deploying 16 NH90 or Eurocopter Tigre helicopters