Thales/BAE LHD 2020+ - Shipbucket
2011年3月26日 · It contained a dutch LHD larger then the current JSS, or same lenght (max 220meter) Information about ships: Hr ms Kortenaer R82: Replaces:L800 Rotterdam in 2025 Starts building: 2020 Launched:2024 Type: Landing Helicopter Dock(LHD) Displacement: 31800 tons normal, 34600 tons max. Lenght:220m Beam:35m Draught:7.8m Installed engine's:
Italian landing helicopter dock Trieste - Wikipedia
The LHD Trieste is a multi-purpose aircraft carrier-landing helicopter dock (LHD) of the Italian Navy. The ship replaced the aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi and is the largest vessel in the Italian fleet. It was ordered as part of the 2014–2015 naval program and was built at the Castellammare di Stabia shipyards of Fincantieri.
Wasp-class amphibious assault ship - Wikipedia
The Wasp-class is a class of landing helicopter dock (LHD) amphibious assault ships operated by the United States Navy.
Russian Pr. 21183 LHD - Shipbucket
2015年1月11日 · These ships are intended to be a "proof of concept", not intended for a large production run, but to to gain experience with them, both in design and operation, so only two are planned, one for the Black Sea Fleet, and one for the Pacific Fleet, as you can guess by their names, and would use existing and proven solutions as much as possible...
Belgium/Luxembourg LHD - Shipbucket
2010年7月27日 · Re: Belgium/Luxembourg LHD #3 Post by Colombamike » Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:05 pm MC Spoilt B'stard wrote: In the modernisation programme 2000 - 2015 of the Belgium navy they had the plans to buy a transport ship 2nd hand , later this turned in to a plan to build a ship like the dutch Rotterdam.
LHD Amphibious Hospital Ship - Shipbucket
2013年9月8日 · Clicking the links in that first post will take readers to another model forum where I plan to convert a 1/350 USS WASP LHD amphibious assault ship into a amphibious hospital ship.
LHD Amphibious Hospital Ship - Page 4 - Shipbucket
2013年9月23日 · LHD Amphibious Hospital Ship Post any drawings you have made that do not pertain to an Alternate Universe scenario and are not a never-built design. Moderator: Community Manager
enforcer 30000 LHD - Shipbucket - Archive Forum! - Tapatalk
2010年7月14日 · WIP of the schelde (now damen) enforcer 30000 LHD. It's not finished yet, but I had the question if somebody knows how the propulsion system works (di
Schelde Enforcer LHD 17000 - Shipbucket
Drawing Information: Category: Never Built: Country: Netherlands : Type: Amphibious Warfare » Landing Helicopter Dock Class: Schelde Enforcer LHD 17000
ST Marine Endurance-160 LHD - Shipbucket
2014年11月7日 · Shipbucket Official Forum: FAQ: Register Logout: Board index » Shipbucket Projects (2 pixels : 1 foot) » Never-Built Designs. ST Marine Endurance-160 LHD. Moderator: Community Manager: ... Post subject: Re: ST Marine Endurance-160 LHD: Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:25 pm: Posts: 752