What is hh hl lh ll in forex? – Forex Academy
2023年3月12日 · HH, HL, LH, and LL are terms used to describe the price action of a currency pair. These terms are used to identify the direction of the trend and the potential reversal points. HH and HL are used to identify an uptrend, while LH and LL are used to identify a downtrend.
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HH HL LH LL indicator - Forex Factory
2011年2月6日 · HH/HL/LH/LL is talking about swings withing bigger swings. You'd need to define mathematically what is the minimum number of candles in each of these swings. For example, you could say major downswing has ended if price has formed a low that has 10 higher lows on each side of it. But there are at least two problems with this: 1.
关于领禾管理咨询-LHH FESCO
LHH FESCO是中瑞合资的人力资源管理咨询品牌,于2021年在北京由全球领先的人力资源咨询公司The Adecco Group(德科集团)的三大事业部之一的LHH与中国人力资源服务行业的开创者和领先企业FESCO共同成立。
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