Lii Audio F-15 | Page 5 | HiFi Haven
2022年5月14日 · Lii Audio has sent me several emails apologizing for the delay and even a pair of free F-6's. They claim the F-15's I'll receive are an improved version with better magnet material. I've built these tilted F-15 baffles and have some smaller ones to try as well.
Lii Audio Liionidas | Page 2 | HiFi Haven
2022年10月13日 · Lii Audio terminals. I'm currently using the F-15s in flat baffles but added a pair of Lowthers wired together in parallel which I first thought was a bad idea.
Lii Audio Liionidas - HiFi Haven
2022年10月13日 · Got a reply from Lii Audio. I'll also attach a pic they sent showing this as normal: "It is not rubbed but the glue connecting the surrounding penetrated the cone paper, it was the characteristics of the glue material, but switching to another glue would affect the sound thus we kept using this glue. please see picture below of one in our listening room."
New Lii Audio F-12 series - HiFi Haven
2021年10月15日 · Lii audio's new F series full-range unit f-12, full paper cone design, small stroke, high sensitivity, typical antique horn style, mellow mid-frequency, low-frequency dive is not deep but there is a thick sound, modern The craftsmanship design retains the antique flavor and improves the resolution, changing the dull style of antique speakers.
Lii Audio new Fast-15 - HiFi Haven
2022年9月27日 · Lii Audio offers suggested enclosures for their drivers. You might check for their recommendations. The Fast-15 has a QTS of .52 while the F-15 is .71. In general single drivers with a minimum QTS of .7 or higher are better suited for open baffles while lower QTS drivers depend on the air spring action that a box enclosure provides.
Lii Audio F-15 | Page 2 - HiFi Haven
2019年9月3日 · Lii Audio new Fast-15 bryan0101; Sep 27, 2022; High Efficiency; Replies 5 Views 3K. Oct 18, 2022. Audionut ...
Lii Audio S-10 Users - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2022年3月16日 · Lii Audio S-10 Users Curious to know how members are liking there S-10 speakers or the order model previously. I see Decware Steve Deckert recommends using these with his amps and I was wondering has anyone used it with a different amp?
Lii Audio F-15 | Page 4 | HiFi Haven
2020年7月21日 · There is a Lii 15 thread on Audio Circle. There is much more to these drivers.....and all drivers.....if you hook them up in the most tweaky way. The binding posts on these speakers suck.....the life and transparency out of them.....and even worse is the steel or nickel plated (both magnetic) tabs that the speaker voice coil wires are soldered to.
Lii audio 15” far open baffle speakers. How to fine tune.
2021年4月3日 · So I just built a pair of open baffle speakers suing these drivers. I must say they sound pretty darn good. My question is how to make them sound better since I am new to this. my design is pretty simple. A slab of teak 18x36x1” mounted to a pair of speaker stands. If I …
Audio Nirvana Drivers - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2019年3月19日 · Funny Audio Nirvana puts high quality magnets on a low quality speaker. Which leads me to figure, the cone material is far more important than the magnet structure. IF the magnet really is AN quality,, This company does not seem to havea web site,, perhaps they were playing some dirty tricks, folks caught on, started returning these things, and ...