About Lii Audio / Lii Song - Lii Song (丽颂), unique speaker, …
Lii Audio / Lii Song has been found in 2016, by the rear of beautiful Xizi Lake in Hangzhou, China. The company concentrates on designing and developing many types of high quality full-range audio speakers.
Shop - Lii Song (丽颂), unique speaker, amplfier, quality and cost …
Lii Song (丽颂), unique speaker, amplfier, quality and cost-saving parts for HiFi DIY
Full-range speakers - Lii Song
Lii Song (丽颂), unique speaker, amplfier, quality and cost-saving parts for HiFi DIY
What's up with Lii Audio/ Lii Song? | diyAudio
2024年1月17日 · I am happy to see some people talking about Lii Audio Xizi founded in 2006 and Lii Song founded in 2016 which is a copy of the original Lii Audio. I visited both headquarter in Hangzhou and it was clear to know which one fake it. If you hold both speakers in …
Lii Song Canada by MACO Inc.
Exclusive distributor of Lii Song drivers and speakers in Canada.
【超絶高品質!高能率16㎝フルレンジ Lii Audio『F-6』 】中華ブランドのダークホース『Lii Audio / Lii Song ...
高能率16㎝フルレンジ Lii Audio『F-6』 】中華ブランドのダークホース『Lii Audio / Lii Song』リー・オーディオのスピーカーユニットを聴く [No.113] - YouTube. 【ダイトーボイス激安ペア5千円! 16cmフルレンジDS-16ⅢF 】DAITO VOICE バスレフVSオープンバッフルVS密閉 比較試 …
Lii Audio Europe | Lii Song - Feel your music nearest
Our loudspeakers guarantee you an unparalleled degree of realism as well as unusual elegance in form. The sound is artistic. We believe that only by achieving a perfect design, insisting on handcrafted, craftsmanship and adjusting the sound a speaker can be enchanted with art and life.
Lii Audio/Lii Song F15 Tested!! - YouTube
Sound clips at the end!!!This is my review of the Lii Audio F15.It has been getting praise in the Decware speakers and I do not get why.I do not think they a...
Forums - Lii Song ZF15L First Impressions - decware.com
2024年7月18日 · Lii Song's version of the ZF15L speakers are jaw-droppingly beautiful! The high gloss finish on top of exquisite hardwood veneers make these speakers extraordinarily appealing visually. The baffles are just shy of one and three quarters inches thick.
Lii Audio F12 | diyAudio
2022年4月18日 · The Lii Audio speakers have a definite sound character, but I prefer the warmer sound. It makes it harder when you can't audition before you buy, but I wish you a great adventure!