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What is the short form for 'little' ? Is it li'l or lil'?
Sep 2, 2014 · The form lil is used, but the most common variant seems to be lil' (capitalized when it is a name).. Wikipedia "Lil" is a kind of prefix and is the short form of "little".
More eloquent idiom/expression for the phrase "cut it at the roots ...
Jul 22, 2016 · A very comparable idiom is "to cut the head off the snake". It means to stop a larger problem by aiming at the source - often the leader, or a major culprit.
Can you say "see you then/there" when arranging a meeting?
Short Answer "See you there" and "see you then" are both fine. They are somewhere between formal English (see alternative phrases below) and informal/spoken language, where a "see …