LM3886 Class AB "gainclone" chip-amps - Audio Science Review …
2018年6月27日 · LM3886 sounds good, and Jeff Rowland like produce ampfillers built on this LM. And Arcam FMJ-19 built on LM3886 too. - Much reviews in different audio magazines. So - LM3886 has an output current - 11.5 A And Jeff Rowland put 6 …
Composite amplifier: LM3886 + LME49720 - Page 1 - EEVblog
2019年2月28日 · The gains are setup with these in mind: - Use the minimal LM3886 stable gain, which according to the datasheet is ~10. I used 11 just to be sure - Have the LM49710 clip first to get a much nicer clip behaviour without saturating it. Check the attachments for the 2 behaviors: LM3886 clipping or the LME49710 doing the clipping.
Topping LA90 Discrete arriving in 1-2 days. Question vs. LM3886 …
2021年8月5日 · What's marginally better in the LM3886 (that's what they used, right?) Stereo crosstalk: ~10dB better (discrete is already below -90dB by 5kHz. Like I said "subjectively, performance is the same!" The discrete version is spec'd to run 4 ohm bridge mode, but it's not much of a feat. Why not? Because, 4 ohm bridge gives you 180W @ 1% distortion.
MicroCap 12: Problem simulating imported PSpice model (LM3886)
2022年1月15日 · I have copied to .lib file to the main LIBRARY folder and then used "Add Part Wizard" tool to import the model, I selected the 6 pin op-amp model and renamed the pins as they appear in the model file (.SUBCKT lm3886 Vip Vin VDD VSS Vout MUTE) I constructed a simple circuit and wanted to run the simulation but when I do that uCap shows me the ...
How can I calculate the input impedance of an LM3886?
2021年5月14日 · Yes, the inputs to the LM3886 are very high impedance -- basically no current enters them. Adding Rin actually decreases the input impedance of the system as a whole. The resistance to ground is Rin in parallel with a really, really large resistance which is basically Rin.
Super easy composite amplifier utilizing LM3886/76! - Page 1
2024年7月19日 · EEVblog Electronics Community Forum » ; Electronics » ; Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff » ; Super easy composite amplifier utilizing LM3886/76!
Highest quality ~10W classAB - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2023年4月8日 · I'm looking for low power (10-15W) amplifier designs, but on the top end side. Something classAB. Chip or discrete, medium complexity at max. First Watt amps are highly praised, but they are classA. LM3886 is to much power. LM1875 is a good baseline 0.015% THD, anything better in discrete?
LM3886 Library for Eagle? - Page 1 - EEVblog
2015年6月22日 · We use the LM3886 as a power op-amp to drive ultrafast galvanometer scanners. These are used to position laser beams. With closed loop feedback from capacitive position sensing on the shaft, we obtain DC to 4.5 KHz response driving a 3x3 mm mirror as a load, and our mirror inertia is 0.13 gm-cm^2.
LM3886 Class AB "gainclone" chip-amps - Audio Science Review …
2019年6月8日 · As I may know for the Neumann KH120, these loudspeakers are built around the LM3886. There's absolutely no hiss even a few centimeters away. These are proximity loudspeakers (listening distance between 20 and 50cm (8" to 20"))
Upgrade LM3886 to Neurochrome Modulus 686 - Audio Science …
2021年2月16日 · I have Kinoshita RM11 replica speakers, bi-amplified by 4 mono blocks attached to the back of the speakers....the compression chambers are powered by 2 amplifiers mono based on Neurochrome Modulus 86, and 40cm bass …