These next generation B-version comparators feature lower offset voltage, higher supply voltage capability, lower supply current, lower input bias current, lower propagation delay, and improved 2 kV ESD performance and input ruggedness through dedicated ESD clamps.
LM393 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
TI’s LM393 is a Dual differential comparator, commercial grade. Find parameters, ordering and quality information
LM393是什么芯片?工作原理+引脚功能+应用电路实例,一文读 …
LM393 是一种广泛使用的 电压比较器 IC,提供 8 引脚 Dip、SO-8 和其他封装。 LM393包含 两个 独立的 高精度比较器 运算放大器,可由 单电源或双电源 供电。 电源电压范围宽,可以用于多种应用。 该芯片需要 低工作电流,非常适合便携式和电池供电设备,输出驱动逻辑系统可以用在数字电路中。 LM393的最大输出电流为20mA,足以 驱动晶体管和逻辑系统。 LM393 的应用与LM311 比较器 IC非常相似,只是规格有点不同。 LM311 经常被用来替换LM393。 与所有电压比较 …
LM393 IC : Pin Configuration, Circuit Diagram & Its Working
What is the LM393 IC? The LM393 is a dual independent accuracy voltage integrated circuit operated with single or else split supply. These ICs comprises two independent voltage comparators to operate from an only power supply more than a wide variety of voltages.
LM393 电压比较器及其典型电路介绍 - CSDN博客
2022年7月19日 · LM393 是双电压比较器,LM358 是双运算放大器. LM393 工作在非线性区,可看作是放大倍数非常大的运算放大器. 同相端电压大于反向端电压时,输出高电平;同相端电压小于反向端电压时,输出低电平; 同相输入端和反相输入端的电路结构相同! 避免误差了属于是。 电路图比较简单,分析分析应该能看明白怎么实现的! LM393 本是电压比较器,如果要让他做运算放大器的活,需要引入反馈电阻。 不是不能做运算放大器的,就连官方手册上都列几个放大 …
LM393 Datasheet (PDF) - ON Semiconductor
Part #: LM393. Download. File Size: 107Kbytes. Page: 10 Pages. Description: Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators. Manufacturer: ON Semiconductor.
The LM393 series are dual independent precision voltage comparators capable of single or split supply operation. These devices are designed to permit a common mode range−to−ground level with single supply operation.
LM393 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
lm393b 和 lm2903b 器件是业界通用 lm393 和 lm2903 比较器系列的下一代版本。 下一代 B 版本比较器具有更低的失调电压、更高的电源电压能力、更低的电源电流、更低的输入偏置电流和更低的传播延迟,并通过专用 ESD 钳位提高了 2kV ESD 性能和输入耐用性。
LM393-N data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
TI’s LM393-N is a Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparator. Find parameters, ordering and quality information
LM393 Pinout, Datasheet, Features, Applications, Equivalent
2020年5月26日 · LM393 is a widely used voltage comparator IC available in 8 Pin Dip, SO-8 and other packages. This small IC is packed with many good features that make it ideal IC to use as a comparator. The IC contains two separate high accuracy comparator opamps that can be operated from single or dual power supply.