聲門上呼吸道 - 安妮怎麼了?-急救教育設計服務
常見種類為喉罩呼吸道(LMA)及iGel兩種款式,LMA以充氣氣囊密合氣管口,iGel則以柔軟材質密合氣管口,沒有氣囊。 適應症 對疼痛刺激無反應的傷病患,且無咳嗽嘔吐反射,需要建立進階呼吸道;到院前救護大多用於心肺功能停止(OHCA)之傷病患,作為暫時性之 ...
Second Generation Supraglottic Airway (SGA) Devices
2020年10月21日 · LMA Supreme™(Teleflex®, USA) is a second generation, single use, SGA device which facilitate ease of placement and in-situ airway stability. It forms an effective seal first with the oropharynx (oropharyngeal seal) and a second seal with the upper oesophageal sphincter (the oesophageal seal).
Supraglottic airways (SGAs) are a group of airway devices that can be inserted into the pharynx to allow ventilation, oxygenation, and administration of anesthetic gases, without the need for endotracheal intubation.
声门上气道装置在成人麻醉气道管理中的应用 - UpToDate
声门上气道(supraglottic airway, SGA)装置是一类能够插入咽部以实现通气、供氧和给予麻醉气体,而不需要气管插管的气道装置。 对于麻醉,这些装置可用于初始气道管理,可在面罩通气困难时用于挽救性通气,以及用作气管插管的通道。
Laryngeal Mask Airway - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年7月11日 · Laryngeal mask airways (LMA) are single-use or reusable supraglottic airway devices that may be used as a temporary method to maintain an open airway during the administration of anesthesia or as an immediate life-saving measure in a difficult or failed airway as outlined in the difficult airway algorithm published by many societies of ...
Supraglottics - OpenAirway
1st Gen SGA: Simple breathing tube, usually with some form of mask or opening at the larynx. Examples: Classic LMA, LMA-Unique, SureSeal LM, CobraPLA, Laryngeal Tube Airway, etc. 2nd Gen SGA: Above, plus provision for gastric drainage and improved protection against aspiration.
气道与呼吸设备 - 急救医学 - MSD诊疗手册专业版
喉罩气道(lma) 将声门上气道(SGA)插入咽部,以便在无需气管插管的情况下进行通气、氧合和麻醉气体的施用。 这些设备的用途如下:
Chapter 13 – Supraglottic Airways - Anesthesia Key
2020年12月29日 · The ProSeal LMA (PLMA), i-gel and laryngeal tube (LT) are the most extensively investigated of the newer SGAs. The LMA Supreme and LMA Protector are also supported by an increasing body of evidence. The majority of SGAs are designed to lie with their tip at the origin of the oesophagus, effectively ‘plugging’ the oesophagus.
声門上器具(SGA)の進歩と普及【種類が増えて使いわけが可能となったSGA …
2017年8月31日 · SGA(supraglottic airway)devicesの原型は1989年発売のlaryngeal mask airway(LMA ®)である。 LMA ® は先端を食道入口部に挿入し,喉頭を包み込むカフを膨らませると,気密性が高まり換気が可能になる。 LMA ® の開発目的は,気管挿管手技や非生理的な気管チューブで起こる様々な合併症を減らすことであったが,その後挿管困難時の対処器具として優れていることが認められ,93年には米国麻酔科学会の気道確保困難時のアルゴリズム …
Prehospital Supraglottic Airways: An NAEMSP Position Statement …
2022年1月10日 · Supraglottic airways (SGAs) are advanced airway devices intended to be inserted into the oropharynx without the use of laryngoscopy. While varying in design, SGAs are devised to situate in the hypopharyngeal space overlying or outside of the glottic opening, providing indirect oxygen delivery to the trachea.