Home | London Metal Exchange
The London Metal Exchange (LME) is the world centre for industrial metals trading.
LME Copper | London Metal Exchange
LME Clear has a robust Risk Management Framework that provides the structure for clear risk policies, processes and internal control mechanisms. Featured links
伦敦金属交易所(LME)-伦敦贵金属价格走势-伦敦期货交易所实时 …
London Metal Exchange - Wikipedia
The London Metal Exchange (LME) is a futures and forwards exchange in London, United Kingdom with the world's largest market [1] in standardised forward contracts, futures contracts and options on base metals.
Leaguer MicroElectronics Corp._物联网芯片企业——力合微电子
Leaguer (Shenzhen) MicroElectronics Corp. (LME) is a fabless IC company specialized in powerline communication technology PLBus and ASIC chips as well as solutions for smart things connectivity. Applications of PLBus includes AMR of smart …
时隔三年后 LME因伦镍风波被处以920万英镑罚款|镍_新浪财经_新 …
1 天前 · 炒期货上新浪、实时行情信息全。3月20日,英国FCA对LME处以920万英镑(约1190万美元)罚款。2022年3月7 - 8日,LME发生“伦镍逼空风波”,镍价涨250%达 ...
LME- 金融百科 金融知识 - jinrongbaike.com
LME,SHFE以及SMM是有色金属行业的三大知名机构,其中SHFE全称为shanghai futures exchange(上海期货交易所),SMM的全称为shanghai metals market(上海现货行情 )。 交易所成立伊始,只交易铜和大锡。 当时英国对铜和锡的需求很大,需要大量从智利和马来亚(现在的马来西亚和印度尼西亚)。 为了避免价格起落的风险和船运途中的其他风险,交易所确定以三个月为标准交割日期(因当时从马来亚和智利海运至英国一般需要三个月时间)。 截至到2004 …
London Metal Exchange - MarketsWiki
The London Metal Exchange (LME) is a prominent futures and forwards exchange based in London, United Kingdom. Established in 1877, it is renowned for being the largest market globally for standardized forward contracts, futures contracts, and options on base metals.
Commitments of traders - London Metal Exchange
The Commitments of Traders Report (COTR) is designed to reflect the nature of the predominant business activity that LME members and their clients are involved in using the following classifications:
年初迄今,LME六种工业金属中表现最好的是铜 - NAI 500
在伦敦金属交易所(LME),一种工业金属刚刚录得自2017年以来最长连涨记录,连续八个交易日录得涨幅,就是铜。 周五(1月17日)收盘前,LME期货铜合约上涨0.4%,达到每吨9267美元,而在刚刚过去的一周内,铜价累计已上涨了1.9%。
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