Home | London Metal Exchange
The London Metal Exchange (LME) is the world centre for industrial metals trading.
The Ring - London Metal Exchange
Each LME metal is traded in highly liquid five-minute Ring sessions which are themselves representative of global supply and demand. Trading on the Ring begins at 11.40 and closes at 17.00. Market users can access a wide range of price data directly from the LME's open outcry trading floor via our network of licensed data distributors.
Deep dive: Plant-based meat end product formulation and …
Low-moisture extrusion (LME, moisture <50% during texturization) and high-moisture extrusion (HME, moisture 50-70% during texturization) are the main types of extrusion used to texturize plant protein formulations. Dry textured vegetable protein (TVP) is generally produced through LME with dry ingredients and water, without added fats.
伦敦金属交易所(LME)-伦敦贵金属价格走势-伦敦期货交易所实时 …
伦敦金属交易所(LME)基本知识大全 - 证券之星 - stockstar.com
伦敦金属交易所 (LME)是世界首要的有色金属交易市场,同时也是世界上最大的有色金属交易所,成立于1877年。 采用国际会员资格制,其中多于95%的交易来自海外市场。 交易品种有铜、铝、铅、锌、镍、锡、钢和铝合金等。 交易方式. LME不实行涨跌停板制度。 交易有办公室电话交易、电子交易和场内交易三种方式。 事实上,办公室电话交易、电子交易和场内交易分别进行,只是不同时间重点不同罢了。 场内交易包括圈内交易 (ring交易)和Kerb交易。 Ring交易时间每种 …
Current and historical Copper prices, stocks and monthly averages.
Dec 5, 2023 · LMEsword系统是LME为投资者的仓单交易需求而设立的仓单安全电子登记及传输系统,是LME仓单在场内外市场间流转的平台,也是保证LME期货市场与现货市场紧密联系的关键环节。
Jan 21, 2025 · 1月20日,伦敦金属交易所(LME)宣布批准中国香港作为其核准交割地点之一,这意味着中国香港将加入LME已有的遍布美国和欧洲、亚洲32个国家和地区的仓储网络。 LME允许在中国香港进行铜、铝、锌、铅、锡、镍及铝合金7种金属的交割,同时该地区业务将在首家仓储公司被批准后的3个月正式开始运营。 LME行政总裁张柏廉表示:“将中国香港纳入我们的全球仓储网络是一项令人兴奋的进展,我们将提供比以往更接近中国内地金属市场的仓储设施。 中国 …
Trading - London Metal Exchange
The London Metal Exchange is the world centre for industrial metals trading. Most of the world’s non-ferrous metals business is conducted on our three trading platforms: LMEselect (electronic), the Ring (open outcry) and the 24-hour telephone market.
Monthly averages - London Metal Exchange
The Daily Prices and Monthly Averages Report is a comprehensive breakdown of non-ferrous prices discovered on the London Metal Exchange (LME). It includes daily and Monthly Average Settlement Prices (MASP) for cash, 3 months and up to three December prompts forward for all non-ferrous metals traded at the LME.