LME Official Prices explained | London Metal Exchange
The LME Official Settlement Price is the price at which all LME futures are settled. Prompt dates Cash, 3-month and 15-month: LME Tin, LME Steel Billet, LME Cobalt and LME Molybdenum.
LME Aluminium - London Metal Exchange
The LME provides the market with three transparent and regulated platforms for trading industrial metal contracts.
LME reference prices - London Metal Exchange
The LME publishes a set of daily reference prices that are used the world over by industrial and financial participants for referencing, hedging, physical settlement, contract negotiations, margining and portfolio evaluations. Beyond this, the LME price increasingly reflects the value of responsibly sourced metal.
LME Index Price - Chart - Historical Data - News - TRADING …
LME Index increased 315.70 points or 8.08% since the beginning of 2025, according to trading on a contract for difference (CFD) that tracks the benchmark market for this commodity. LME Index - values, historical data, forecasts and news - updated on March of 2025.
Aluminium PRICE Today | Aluminium Spot Price Chart | Live Price …
Aluminium Price: Get all information on the Price of Aluminium including News, Charts and Realtime Quotes.
伦敦金属交易所(LME)-伦敦贵金属价格走势-伦敦期货交易所实时 …
London Metal Exchange [LME] - How The World's Largest Base …
2024年7月17日 · The London Metal Exchange (LME) is a futures and options trading exchange that operates the world’s largest marketplace for trading base metals. The LME transacts about 176 million lots of metals annually, which equates to about $13.5 trillion.
伦敦金属交易所(LME)基本知识大全 - 证券之星 - stockstar.com
伦敦金属交易所 (LME)是世界首要的有色金属交易市场,同时也是世界上最大的有色金属交易所,成立于1877年。 采用国际会员资格制,其中多于95%的交易来自海外市场。 交易品种有铜、铝、铅、锌、镍、锡、钢和铝合金等。 交易方式. LME不实行涨跌停板制度。 交易有办公室电话交易、电子交易和场内交易三种方式。 事实上,办公室电话交易、电子交易和场内交易分别进行,只是不同时间重点不同罢了。 场内交易包括圈内交易 (ring交易)和Kerb交易。 Ring交易时间每种 …
London Metals Exchange (LME) - Aluminium Alloy - Barchart.com
London Metals Exchange (LME) - Aluminium Alloy This page lists all futures symbols for the selected exchange. Each futures symbol shows all of the open contracts with the Contract Name and Month, Last price, Change, Open, High, Low, Volume and Open Interest.
What Is the London Metal Exchange (LME)? Definition and History
2024年4月12日 · The London Metal Exchange (LME) is a commodities exchange that deals in metals futures and options. It is the largest exchange for options and futures contracts for...