LME Zinc - London Metal Exchange
The LME provides the market with three transparent and regulated platforms for trading industrial metal contracts.
伦敦金属交易所(LME)-伦敦贵金属价格走势-伦敦期货交易所实时 …
伦锌CFD (ZSD)期货行情,新闻,报价_新浪财经_新浪网
2 天之前 · 新浪财经主编团队7x24小时紧盯国内、国际时政财经重要消息,日均60~80条,为您实时推送,掌握全球消息快人一步! 专家答疑. 期货投资中有疑问吗? 那就进来听听在线坐堂专家的投资建议吧。 [详细] 氧化铝:底在哪里? 03-12. 聚酯产业链怎么看? 03-12. 玉米又涨了! 但新政策落地,后续价格还会更高? 03-12. 光大期货0312热点追踪:铝价狂飙VS氧化铝暴跌! 背后藏着什么秘密? 03-12. 新浪财经-期货频道为您提供伦锌CFD (ZSD)期货行情,期货资料,,期货新闻,报 …
LME Zinc - Wikipedia
LME Zinc stands for a group of spot, forward, and futures contracts traded on the London Metal Exchange (LME), for delivery of special high-grade Zinc with a 99.995% purity minimum that can be used for price hedging, physical delivery of sales or purchases, investment, and speculation.
本页提供今天最新伦锌期货价格走势和行情图,数据来自英国伦敦金属交易所(London Metal Exchange,LME)的伦敦锌期货合约,交易时间为LME Select北京时间(夏令时)08:00-02:00。 本报价会每10秒自动刷新一次,亦可手动查询最新实时价格,今日国际锌价格行情走势信息仅供参考,本站对使用该lme伦锌数据导致的结果概不承担任何责任。 提供今日国际锌价,最新LME伦锌期货价格走势图,今日英国伦敦金属交易所锌行情报价查询与走势最新消息。
Market data - London Metal Exchange
We provide the metals and financial communities with a comprehensive range of market data to suit all user needs. Participants can access a broad range of data covering everything from key reference prices, like LME Official and Closing Prices, and multi-prompt tick data, to warehouse and stocks reports, and volumes and open interest data.
LME reference prices - London Metal Exchange
The LME publishes a set of daily reference prices that are used the world over by industrial and financial participants for referencing, hedging, physical settlement, contract negotiations, margining and portfolio evaluations. Beyond this, the LME price increasingly reflects the value of responsibly sourced metal.
US Dollar Strengthens, Pressuring LME Zinc Downward [SMM …
2025年1月13日 · Overnight, LME zinc recorded a long upper shadow bearish candlestick, with resistance formed by various moving averages above. Meanwhile, the most-traded SHFE zinc 2502 contract opened higher at 24,355 yuan/mt. Early in the session, reduced long positions led SHFE zinc to decline along the daily moving average, hitting a low of 24,075 yuan/mt.
Contract specifications - London Metal Exchange
Every metal traded on the LME must conform to strict specifications regarding quality, lot size and shape. Each LME tradeable contract is likewise governed by rules covering (but not limited to) prompt dates, settlement terms, traded and cleared currencies and minimum tick size.
生意社:7月4日伦敦LME市场锌库存258700吨 - 商品动态 - 生意社
2025年2月14日 · 7月4日,伦敦lme市场锌库存258700吨,库存减少325吨,其中注册仓单215900吨,注销仓单42800吨,注销仓单占比16.54%。
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