Lmg 25 - Wikipedia
The Leichtes Maschinengewehr Modell 1925 (shortened to Lmg 25) [1] is a Swiss recoil operated light machine gun designed by Colonel Adolf Furrer of Waffenfabrik Bern in the 1920s and produced from 1925 to the 1960s. [2] It was the first machine gun in the Swiss Army that could be carried by a man.
Light machine gun - Wikipedia
A light machine gun (LMG) is a light-weight machine gun designed to be operated by a single infantryman, with or without an assistant, as an infantry support weapon. LMGs firing cartridges of the same caliber as the other riflemen of the same combat unit are often referred to as squad automatic weapons .
枪械科普:富雷尔M25(LMG25) - 哔哩哔哩
富雷尔M25轻机枪(Furrer M25;军队命名为Fusil-mitrailleur modèle 19、 Lmg-25或FM-25) 是一种瑞士后座式轻机枪。 类型 轻机枪. 原产地 瑞士. 生产历史. 研发者 阿道夫·富雷尔. 生产商 W+F布伦兵工厂(W+F Bren) 生产日期 1925年—? 基本规格. 重量 8.65千克. 长度 1,163毫米. 枪管长度 585毫米. 子弹 7.5×55毫米GP11. 口径 7.5毫米. 枪机 后座作用. 发射模式 全自动. 射速 500发/分钟. 有效射程 800米. 供弹方式 30发盒式弹匣. 瞄具 照门及标尺. 历史. LMG25由瑞 …
Swiss LMG25 - Forgotten Weapons
Continuing Swiss Week, we have more detailed information on the LMG25 light machine gun today. There design was officially adopted by the Swiss Army in 1925 (as you might have guessed) after about 7 years of development under the direction of Adolf Furrer at Waffenfabrik in Bern, and was not taken fully out of service until the 1970s.
世界轻武器23——富雷尔M25轻机枪(LMG 25轻机枪) - 哔哩哔哩
2020年4月13日 · 而瑞士在提高武器精度的领域就走了一条不同旁人的道路,它不仅注重步枪、手枪、冲锋枪的精度,而且还十分注重机枪的精度,富雷尔M25便是高精度机枪中的一个代表. 在精度方面,富雷尔M25轻机枪首先采用了最常见的减轻枪械质量和提高后座缓冲的方法来提高精度,取得了成功。 不过,她的设计师显然不满足与此,除此之外,富雷尔M25在自动方式上也有所改变,用枪管短后坐式代替了以往的导气式(简单来讲可以理解为用枪械的后座力代替火药气体 …
Furrer M25 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Furrer M25 (fielded as "Fusil-mitrailleur modèle 1925", "Lmg-25" or "FM-25") is a Swiss recoil operated light machine-gun designed by Colonel Furrer of the Swiss Arsenal in the 1920s and produced since 1925. It takes the 7.5 mm Swiss Service cartridge from a 30-round box magazine and has a cyclic rate of fire of 450 rounds-per-minute.
Swiss Week – LMG25 Manuals and Photos - Forgotten Weapons
2012年7月24日 · It is chambered for the standard Swiss 7.5x55mm cartridge, and uses 30-round box magazines mounted on the left side of the receiver. Mechanically, the LMG25 is recoil operated and toggle locked, although it is a bit different than most other toggle locked designs.
Weapon Details Light Machine Gun 25 (LMG25)
The Light Machine Gun 25 (LMG25) has a knee joint lock and shoots single and series fire. A bipod can be attached to the barrel jacket, another pod can be used as a center or rear support. Each Light Machine Gun 25 (LMG25) had two barrels (A-barrel and B-barrel) including the bolt.
富雷尔M25轻机枪 - Wikiwand
富雷尔M25轻机枪(Furrer M25;军队命名为Fusil-mitrailleur modèle 19、Lmg-25或FM-25) 是一种瑞士后座式轻机枪,由瑞士兵工厂的富雷尔上校在1920年代设计,并在1925年进入批量生产。它發射7.5毫米瑞士标准步枪弹,容弹30发,有着每分500发的射速。
Lmg 25 - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, …
The Leichtes Maschinengewehr Modell 1925 is a Swiss light machine gun designed by Adolf Furrer and manufactured by Waffenfabrik Bern; like other weapons designed by Furrer it uses a toggle-lock action inspired by the Luger pistol. It was …