白朗寧Wz. 1928自動步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1939年,德國與蘇聯一同入侵波蘭期間,rkm Wz. 1928幾乎是所有波蘭步兵和騎兵部隊所使用的制式輕機槍。德意志國防軍繳獲了一部份波蘭生產的白朗寧機槍,並且命名為lMG 28(p)以後,直到第二次世界大战結束以前利用它倆。
Ręczny karabin maszynowy wz. 28 - Wikipedia
The rkm wz. 28 or Browning wz. 28 is a Polish version of the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle. ... During the German-Soviet Invasion of Poland of 1939, the rkm wz. 1928 was the standard LMG used by almost all Polish infantry and cavalry units.
Degtyaryov machine gun - Wikipedia
The Degtyaryov machine gun (Russian: Пулемёт Дегтярёва Пехотный, romanized: Pulemyot Degtyaryova Pekhotny literally: "Degtyaryov's infantry machine gun") or DP-27/DP-28 is a light machine gun firing the 7.62×54mmR cartridge that was primarily used by the Soviet Union, with service trials starting in 1927, followed by general deployment in 1928.
RPK - Wikipedia
Bulgaria: Produced by Arsenal as the LMG in three different calibers, 7.62×39mm, 5.45×39mm and 5.56×45mm NATO. Uniquely had milled receivers. Uniquely had milled receivers. A folding stock variant is known as the LMG-F .
轻机枪、班用机枪、通用机枪、中型机枪、重机枪之间的本质区别 …
AR、LMG、MMG、HMG四个等级的机枪划分至此就比较清楚了。 其他西方国家一般不接受AR这种莫名奇妙的美式固执,于是直接把班里的Minimi叫做LMG。只是美国人自己仍然非要把Minimi叫做Automaticrifle。 当然也有德国人这种直接把各种MG42改(LMG)往步兵班里塞的。
Polish Equipment of 1939 Invasion of Poland - Enlisted
2023年8月10日 · It is already in-game as an LMG of Axis premium squad in Normandy and it will be unlockable at the same level as MG 34. Anti-Tank Rifle; Kb ppanc wz. 35 The Model 35 antitank rifle (Karabin przeciwpancerny wzór 35, abbreviated "kb ppanc wz. 35") was a Polish 7.9 mm anti-tank rifle used by the Polish Army during the 1939 invasion of Poland ...
James D. Julia: Polish wz.28 BAR Shooting, History, Disassembly
2016年3月8日 · Anyway, I will say wz. 28 is LMG (light-machine gun) – so far I know in Polish Army always has more than 1 person assigned to wz. 28. Reply. eon says: March 8, 2016 at 12:43 pm. ... 1. the “rkm” (ręczny karabin maszynowy), or literally a hand-held machine gun, a direct equivalent of French Fusil Mitrailleur or US Machine Rifle – a ...
The Russian RPK Light Machinegun: Kalashnikov's Squad Automatic …
2021年2月3日 · A light machine gun (LMG) is a light-weight gun designed to be operated by a single infantryman. It can be fired on the move to provide suppressive fire intended to pin down the enemy or shot from a bipod as a base of fire for the squad to maneuver. In 1928, the Russians fielded the DP-27 Degtyaryov machine gun firing the 7.62×54mmR cartridge.
Chauchat - 华文百科
1922年,在邓卢普纳尔战役期间,希腊士兵在邓卢普纳尔战役中有一个乔达特LMG(中锋)。 Chauchat于1917年与希腊军队一起服役。枪支发射了6.5×54mm Mannlicher –Schönauer墨盒,存储在半圆形杂志上。土耳其民族运动在希腊 - 土耳其战争期间使用了被捕的枪支。
G11 LMG 无壳弹轻机枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
g11 lmg的转膛式枪机有三个弹膛. g11 lmg的子弹排列方式,设想中的g11 lmg容弹量有300发。子弹放置方向与枪管垂直,所以需转向90°后才能推进弹膛内。 g11 lmg上子弹的方式是把300发的子弹包塞入枪托内,相当特别的方法