Three year delivery plan for maternity and neonatal services
2023年3月30日 · By 2024, NHS England will publish digital maternity standards; services will progress work to enable women to access their records and interact with their digital plans. 1. This plan sets out how the NHS will make maternity and neonatal care safer, more personalised, and more equitable for women, babies, and families.
NHS England — South West » Maternity
The South West Regional Maternity & Perinatal Team aims to enable ICBs, via Local Maternity and Neonatal Systems (LMNS’), to deliver responsive, caring, safe, high-quality maternity and perinatal services.
Local Maternity and Neonatal Systems (LMNS) North East and …
We are a partnership of NHS organisations who work with women, their families and healthcare staff to improve maternity and neonatal services. We co-ordinate quality, safety, digital initiatives and maternity and neonatal voice partnerships across the North East and North Cumbria.
NHS England — North West » Local maternity system
Developing a strong, cohesive maternity system. Bring together providers involved within maternity and neonatal care ensuring the services are person-centred, safe and of a high quality for mothers and babies through pregnancy, birth and postnatal period . Reducing variation in maternity services across Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire .
Key strategies and policies — LMNS
Local Maternity and Neonatal Systems (LMNS) have been set up nationally in response to NHS England’s ‘Better Births’ report which sets out a vision for safer, more personalised maternity care that reflects women’s choices and offers continuing joined-up care. LMNSs are regional partnerships of NHS organisations, Healthwatch, local ...
Local Maternity and Neonatal System - Norfolk & Waveney …
The purpose of the Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS) is to bring together commissioners, providers and service users to develop and implement a locally owned plan. The LMNS is overseen by a board that includes midwives, provider staff, consultants, NHS England, Norfolk and Waveney ICB, UEA and Public Health.
Local maternity and neonatal system (LMNS) - Staffordshire and …
Our LMNS, despite the challenges created by the pandemic, has continued to develop a system approach to maternity and neonatal care, identifying where we can make a positive change to our services and improve care for our women, babies and their families.
Local Maternity & Neonatal System - Happy Healthy Lives
We are the people who are involved in providing, receiving, or commissioning maternity care. The LMNS Lead plans to implement Better Birth recommendations for a safer and more personalised care via initiatives such as the Saving Babies’ Lives Care Bundle and the delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan Clinical Priorities for maternal health.
Local Maternity and Neonatal System - NHS Hampshire and Isle …
The local maternity and neonatal system (LMNS) is the maternity and neonatal arm of the Integrated Care System. The LMNS is responsible for implementing the Three-Year Plan across Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth.
Sussex LMNS | Local Maternity & Neonatal System
Find your urgent contact numbers here. Create your own personalised care and support plan, a place to record thoughts and choices throughout your pregnancy. Now available on your smart device. The MMC Obstetricians run maternal medicine clinics to provide local care for women with high-risk conditions.