Lng transfer | Lng ship to ship transfer - MIB ITALIANA
The Ship-to-Ship transfer of liquefied gases and specifically LNG, has now become a technically & commercially acceptable solution for fast track, short term or permanent gas delivery installations.
ERC - Emergency Release Coupling - Trelleborg
KLAW LNG Emergency Release Couplings offer safe and identified parting points within the LNG hose transfer system. The ERC is integrated within the line and is the safety link between the transfer hose and the on-ship transfer system. The ERC is designed to close and separate and make safe the LNG flow when an event occurs.
KLAW LNG|Trelleborg Fluid Handling Solutions
KLAW LNG delivers safe ship-to-ship transfer systems for LNG carriers and LNGRV (LNG Regasification Vessels). Hundreds of commercial LNG transfers are safely and efficiently conducted every year using KLAW LNG safety transfer systems.
The Emergency Release System (ERS) is a vital component of any LNG Transfer system. This has been designed to react to any unexpected events. It controls the system towards minimising spills and shutdown the transfer system. LNG Emergency Release Systems helps in providing a safe and efficient LNG transfer method during normal transfer operations.
Bulk Transfer|Trelleborg Fluid Handling Solutions
LNG Ship-to-Ship for offshore transfer systems is also referred to as LNG STS and is the transfer of LNG from or to a feeder LNG vessel via an LNG Tanker. STS could also occur between LNG carriers (LNGC) and LNGRV (LNG Regasification Vessels) or …
紧急脱离阀(ERC) | Marine & Infrastructure - Trelleborg
klaw lng erc10 是迄今为止业内最轻便的 lng 紧急脱离阀。 这为装置的管理提供了相当大的优势,如安装、重新安装、完成维护计划和船上重量效率。 ERC10 的其他特点
LNG加注船和船对船 (STS)加注技术_中国船级社_rev.2.pdf
2018年4月27日 · lng sts 过驳 lng sts 加注 lng传输量 大 小(~1000cbm) 作业时间 较长(数十小时) 要求快捷 作业频次 少(国际上sts过驳案例少) 频繁 计量 依靠液位计 精确的流量计(商业考虑) 审批 要得到主管机关批准 丌需逐次审批(未来趋势) 状态 在航、锚地、码头 锚地 ...
KLAW LNG社(英) / Gutteling BV社(蘭)製LNG移送システム
Gutteling BV社(蘭)は自社設計・開発した樹脂フィルム、布等を多層に重ね合わせ、内外部をワイヤーで螺旋状に巻いて強化したホースを用いた多層コンポジットホースの専業メーカーとなります。 本ホースを用いたSTS (Ship to Ship/Shore)システムをKLAW LNG社にてコーディネートいたします。 今後普及が期待されるLNG焚エンジンを搭載する船舶及びそれらの船に燃料を補給するために建造されるLNGバンカー船(燃料供給船)向けとしての用途が期待される製 …
ERS for LNG: Secure Disconnection | Emco Wheaton
At Emco Wheaton, we have developed our own Emergency Release System (ERS) for LNG applications*. The ERS is designed for fast and safe disconnection of the LNG Marine Loading Arm before the ship gets out of reach. It consists of two ball valves, joined together by means of an emergency release coupler (ERC).
Ship-to-Ship LNG Transfer Arrestor System Launched
2017年10月17日 · The new braked, cable-activated STS and Emergency STS arrestor systems complement Alpha’s existing package of ship-to-ship and ship-to-jetty transfer equipment, which includes emergency-release collar (ERC) couplings, …