Mountain Toppers – LNR Precision Inc
The massively popular Mountain Topper QRP transceivers designed by Steve Weber (KD1JV) are exclusively offered by LNR Precision. They come in 3-band, 4-band, and 5-band options and each offer a unique experience.
A review of the LnR Precision Mountain Topper MTR-4B ultra …
2022年12月11日 · My comprehensive MTR-4B field kit (the MTR-4B is in the mesh pocket). In addition, the Mountain Topper is designed with the field activator in mind: specifically, SOTA activators, but of course, POTA (Parks On The Air), WWFF (World Wide Flora and Fauna), IOTA (Islands On The Air), or any other popular “-OTA” field activity.
MTR-4B V2 “The Mountain Topper” The LNR Precision MTR transceivers are designed to be efficient portable CW rigs. Whether climbing a mountain and operating SOTA or just out for an afternoon in the park, the MTR's small size, light weight and meager battery requirements makes it a great choice for these activities.
LNR Precision MTR4B V2.3 "Mountain Topper" - eHam.net
Three Morse message memories with beacon mode Specifications: 80 meter, 40 meter, 30 meter and 20 meter operation. Receiver sensitivity : ~ 0.5 uV Receiver audio bandwidth: ~ 400 Hz …
LnR Precision taking orders for the next batch of MTR-4Bs
2023年2月25日 · Many thanks to Jim (N9EET) who notes that LnR Precision is now taking orders for the next batch of the Mountain Topper MTR-4B V2.3. LnR notes the following on the MTR-4B order page: Update: 2/24/22: MTR4 V2.3 online ordering is now active! We are releasing 100 units and they will be available as first come, first served.
【新品情报站】高效便携CW电台新品升级版MTR-4B V2即将推出
LNR Precision的全新Mountain Topper(山峰)MTR-4B V2即将发售,古老的MTR-3B终于有了升级版。 我刚刚注意到,LnR Precision已发布了他们的新款Mountain Topper MTR-4B V2。 他们发布了一些细节,并承诺会很快提供照片。
LNR Precision Inc – Official Supplier of Mountain Topper …
LNR Precision is proud to be a Veteran-owed company and we couldn’t think of a more suitable version moniker for the latest 3-band Mountain Topper. Steve Weber (KD1JV) is a phenomenal designer and has once again delivered a small, lightweight, and powerful CW transceiver that we think you will be pleased with.
LNR Precision Mountain Topper MTR-4B MTR4B v2 v2.3 QRP CW …
LNR Precision MTR-4B V2.3 4 band (20, 30m, 40m, 80m) QRP CW Ham Radio in excellent condition. Selling because I never used it - never got into CW.
LNR MTR4B Overview - YouTube
2017年5月14日 · A review of the LNR MTR4B, the 4 band Mountain Topper Radio from LNR Precision.This radio, along with the other Mountain Toppers (MTR3B & MTR5B) are availabl...
The new Mountain Topper MTR-4B V2 by LnR Precision
2020年12月8日 · I’ve just noticed that LnR Precision has announced their new Mountain Topper MTR-4B V2. They’ve released a few details with the promise of photos soon. Looks like the MTR-4B will of course sport four bands (80, 40, 30, and 20 meters) but adds two valuable tools its predecessors lacked: an SWR and RF power meter.