NSW Group 2 - United States Naval Special Warfare Command
NSWG-2 is the command headquarters for all East Coast-based U.S. Navy SEAL Teams. Our principal mission is to produce, support, and deploy the finest maritime commandos on the planet. Our team...
Naval Special Warfare Logistics and Support Unit TWO (LOGSUPPU 2)
Find Naval Special Warfare Logistics and Support Unit TWO (LOGSUPPU 2) unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on TogetherWeServed.com. TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator.
Naval Special Warfare Logistics and Support Unit celebrates …
2011年11月2日 · Five plank owners who commissioned the logistics command, known for short as LOGSU, were in attendance for the ceremony. Out of the five, three were active duty Sailors during the commissioning, one of which is still on active duty.
2021年9月7日 · Naval Special Warfare Group (NSWG) ONE, TWO, and THREE logistics support units (unit identification codes 39586, 39588, 55457) provide combat support, combat service support, and underwater combat...
NSW - Components - United States Naval Special Warfare …
Quarterdeck: 619-537-3557 PAO: 619-537-3184 3632 Guadalcanal Road San Diego, CA 92155-5583
DVIDS - Naval Special Warfare Group TWO
Video showcasing information on how to apply for Naval Special Warfare Combat Support (CS) and Combat Service Support (CSS) billets. (Video... East Coast-based U.S. Naval Special Warfare Operators...
Naval Special Warfare Group 2 Kicks Off Expeditionary Warfare ...
NSW Logistical Support Unit TWO (LOGSU-2) currently holds classes three days a week, at 1000 Tuesday through Thursday in the Combat Service Support Detachment (CSSD) tent.
NAVSPECWARCOM: US Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC)
2016年1月5日 · The role of the three LOGSU is to organise, man, train, equip and deploy personnel and equipment to provide combat service support (CSS) to NAVSPECWARCOM units, including administrative, maintenance, logistical and medical support.
Naval Special Warfare Command 2000 Trident Way San Diego, CA 92155 Official U.S. Navy Website
Locator - Navy SEALs
Virginia Beach, home to Naval Special Warfare Group 2 and its SEAL Teams 2, 4, 10 and 18. SEAL Team Eighteen, a Reserve unit, and Naval Special Warfare Group 4 are also located at Little Creek. Group 4 is responsible for all of NSW’s special boat teams.