2019年8月9日 · 1)lol = laughing out loud(“哈哈”的意思) 2)wuz = what's up(“你好啊”,打招呼的方式) 3)gr8 2 c u 2= great to see you too(“我也很高兴见你啊”)
LOL, OMG and ILY: 60 of the dominating abbreviations
2014年7月18日 · The top ranking term was, LOL which was used a total of 1,242,935. ‘We can see a range of clever to practical acronyms as people look for speed and limited thumb work – …
【網絡潮語 英文縮寫大全】bruh?lmao?lol?btw?合計35個英 …
2022年7月26日 · Btw的全寫是by the way,意思是順帶一提。 用來補充額外的意見、資料和問題。 “Btw, have you heard about the new restaurant downtown?” – (By the way.) – 「順便問一 …
Are the acronyms FYI, BTW, LOL, WTF now considered "normal" words?
2017年4月13日 · In a non-technical blog you could probably use "BTW" and "LOL". But what's the point to use vulgar slang like "WTF"? This is rather a matter of how want to be perceived by …
【英语】【干货】英语缩写LOL/BTW/IDK代表什么? - 知乎
【英语】【干货】英语缩写LOL/BTW/IDK代表什么? [ETA] Estimated time of arrival [ASAP] As soon as possible [BTW] By the way [IDK] I don't know [FYI] For your information [TTYL] Talk …
What Do "Lol", "Btw", Stand For In Text Messaging - Blurtit
lol means laughing out loud ad btw means by the way. Answer (1 of 9): The abbreviations that you mention in your question are sometimes colloquially referred to as 'text speak' or 'text …
老外聊天必备缩写,看你会多少? - 中国日报网英语点津
2018年3月22日 · 这一类的缩写在口语聊天和日常交流的短信中是非常常用的,比如:BRB = be right back,同样的还有,BTW = by the way,TTYL = talk to you later,IDK = I don’t …
想和外国人聊天,这些英语缩写你必须要看懂! - 知乎
LOL的全称是laugh out loud,也可以写成lol,意思是大笑,类似于中文语境中的“哈哈哈哈”,是英文聊天中出现频率最高的几个词之一。如果你不想打hahaha的话,就可以用LOL来表示大笑。
영어줄임말 요즘 핫하다는 btw, fyi, lol 뜻 정리 : 네이버 블로그
2023年6月22日 · LOL은 laughing out loud의 약자를 의미합니다. 한국어로 "ㅋㅋㅋ"라고 생각해주시면 이해하기 쉬운데요. lol은 주로 채팅이나 메시지에서 자주 사용됩니다.
BTW vs. LOL: Understanding the Difference in Online Abbreviations
2024年2月6日 · Understanding the difference between BTW and LOL is essential for effective online communication. Proper usage of these abbreviations can help convey your message …