LOL, OMG and ILY: 60 of the dominating abbreviations
2014年7月18日 · WeAreSocial.com.au managing director Julian Ward said the various different shortcuts, which range from the the compassionate ILY (I Love You) to the more profain WTF (What the F***) are commonplace now and indicate …
2019年8月9日 · 1)lol = laughing out loud(“哈哈”的意思) 2)wuz = what's up(“你好啊”,打招呼的方式) 3)gr8 2 c u 2= great to see you too(“我也很高兴见你啊”) 4)omg = Oh my God(“天啊”,表示突然出现什么惊到你的事情)
LOL, OMG, TTYL…和老外聊天不懂缩写超尴尬?让这份救场宝典来 …
2017年12月19日 · "BTW"是“By the way”的缩写,在聊天时用来表示停顿或转折,中文可以翻译为“对了”或者“顺便说一句”。 Btw, if you wanna any help, I am here for you. 对了,如果你需要任何帮助,都可以找我。 着急收到别人的回复?
Qué significa LOL, OMG, BTW, ASAP y otras siglas | British Council
OMG:Oh My God (Dios mío). Ejemplo: OMG, I’m your biggest fan! BTW:By The Way (Por cierto). Ejemplo: BTW, you owe me a favor. DIY:Do It Yourself (Hazlo tú mismo). Are you asking a carpenter or will you DIY? ASAP:As Soon As Possible (Tan pronto como sea posible). Ejemplo: I have you finish my homework ASAP.
What LOL means in a text + 147 other texting abbreviations
LOL is most frequently pronounced as an acronym (“lawl”). Shortening: refers to a word where the beginning or ending of the word has been cut off. App (application) is an example of a shortening. Contraction: words where letters are omitted from the middle. Don’t, rly, …
Text messaging: LOL BRB PLZ WTF OMG and more! - engVid
Finally understand the slang people use in text messaging and chat in this English lesson! In this free class, I cover: LOL, BRB, ASAP, IOU, PLZ, L8R, ?4U, OMG, WTF, and more!
Term for Internet or Texting Acronyms, e.g. LOL, IMHO, M8
LOL or lol, an acronym for laugh(ing) out loud, or lots of laughs, is a popular element of Internet slang. It was first used almost exclusively on Usenet, but has since become widespread in other forms of computer-mediated communication and even face-to-face communication.
10 Most Common Abbreviations in English | Bilexis Blog
LOL "LOL" is short for "Laugh Out Loud". It is commonly used in digital communication to indicate that something is funny or entertaining. ・Your cat video made my day, LOL. OMG "OMG" is short for "Oh My God". It is used to express surprise, shock, or excitement.
Are the acronyms FYI, BTW, LOL, WTF now considered "normal" words?
2017年4月13日 · I say "BTW" and "lol" but only very informally. I pronounce BTW as "B T dub" or even "B T dubs" as a joke toward the acronym itself. It's the same with "lol," I only use it to make fun of the plague of people using these words incessantly to mask their inability to effectively communicate. I would never use these acronyms in anything mildly formal.
Popular Slang for Quick and Fun Communication - Promova
2024年2月29日 · LOL: Laugh out loud (Me río de la voz). Everyone knows what lol means, an old cut that has been very common on the Internet for a long time. OMG: Oh My God (Dios mío). A universal marker of astonishment or bewilderment. For example, if someone sent you a photo from five years ago, where you dance on a table, and you remember nothing.
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