league of legends - What makes a champion squishy? - Arqade
2012年2月17日 · Combine low Armor, low Magic Resist, and low Hit Points, and a champion is very squishy. On the flip side, that champion probably deals a lot of damage. Every champion …
How can I survive when using squishy (weak) champions?
2013年6月17日 · Most Squishy champion have an escape of some sort (teleport, dash or speed boost) make sure to save it till you get ganked by their jungler or when your lane enemy goes …
league of legends - How to pick the best support for your ADC
@Gnoupi recently I have taken to watching Aphromoo (A LoL Pro, known for playing support) he basically says an aggresive support is the best way to win the lane. By interupting the enemy …
What are the advantages of Jungling as Kha'zix vs. Rengar?
2016年5月11日 · This is mentioned for the sake of popularity. Answering your question as which is a better Jungler, Rengar can build one damage item and go tank and still create plays to …
Is it possible to jungle with every hero in the game?
2012年3月25日 · For example a kennen could definitely kill any camps even at level one, but he will kill them very slowly, and he is so squishy that he can barely go over one full clear with …
league of legends - What is the best option for an AD only
2012年7月23日 · Instead you should watch for the animation for Randuin's and try to stay out of range of the Frozen Heart while you try to kill the squishy champions. Its the RANGED AD's …
What makes an effective 5v5 team composition in League of …
2011年3月28日 · My LoL skills are not really on par with my SC2, but here is my take: You're going to want 1-2 Tanks. You need someone to be able to take that heavy damage in Team …
league of legends - How to counter Amumu jungle? - Arqade
I've been playing LoL for a while now, and I'm steadily raising my ELO by playing jungle Amumu. I was wondering how I can be hard-countered. In 10 games, I lost only once, and I manage to …
league of legends - Which champion goes in which lane? - Arqade
2013年6月12日 · The LoL Wikia's List of Champions shows the designation each champion received from Riot as it pertains to their role on the team. They include a few types that aren't …
What is the difference between Darkin Kayn and Shadow Kayn?
According to Kayn's champion reveal, his transformation depends on what type of enemies he defeats:. Kayn hones his shadow skills by hunting ranged opponents, while Rhaast fuels his …