[G2:NotR] How to save LPs (list of bonuses), page 1 - GOG.com
2015年4月2日 · You can save LP by training the attribute to 29/59/89/119 and then learning the max you can in one click (so, usually, +5). You'll go with the older (= lesser) LP cost. There are lots of bonuses to attributes and skills.
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【入坑须知】给想在GOG上买游戏的小伙伴一些忠告【gog吧】_ …
很多绝版游戏,或者在新版Windows系统下兼容性差的老游戏,都可以在GOG上买到,比如暗黑1,帝国时代,英雄无敌,魔兽争霸等等。 GOG的名字就叫Good Old Game,他们一直致力于让优秀的老游戏复活,所以可以预见以后GOG平台上的经典童年回忆只会越来越多。
GOG GALAXY 2.0 - All your games and friends in one place. - GOG.com
GOG is best known by gamers for GOG.COM – the digital store with hand-picked selection of DRM-free games, and GOG GALAXY – a gaming app that brings all your games and friends in one place. As part of CD PROJEKT group, together with CD PROJEKT RED development studio, GOG is also bringing best possible online experience to PC and console ...
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正版游戏平台科普:GOG和steam有什么区别? - 百家号
Valve于2003年9月12日推出steam游戏平台,并且一直运营至今,而GOG.com(旧称Good Old Game)则是2008年由GOG公司(母公司为CD Projekt)推出并且运营至今的正版游戏平台。 GOG平台最初的目的是发行没有数字版权的老游戏,2012年之后转变思路,成为了与steam平台类似的综合性正版游戏平台。 游戏加密方式不同. steam平台采用的是DRM加密方式来反盗版,GOG平台没有加密,玩家可以自由拷贝自己所拥有的游戏。 全凭人们自觉来预防盗版只能 …
GOG GALAXY 2.0——一站连通你的所有游戏和朋友。
GOG GALAXY 2.0支持将多个游戏库整合为一,你还可以在这里与所有游戏平台上的好友联系,包括游戏主机!
Forum - GOG.com
2014年12月31日 · GOG.com is a digital distribution platform – an online store with a curated selection of games, an optional gaming client giving you freedom of choice, and a vivid community of gamers. All of this born from a deeply rooted love for games, utmost care about customers, and a belief that you should own the things you buy.
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