2024年12月17日 · 在泰國的素林府這片土地上,有一位被奉為神僧的偉大人物——龍婆孔(LP Hong),他的故事充滿了神秘與啟迪。 他於2462年3月24日降臨於這個以降頭術聞名的地區,從小便顯現出獨特的品性與天賦。
Biography – Luang Pu Hong (Wat Petchburi) - Uncle Chow Amulet
2024年9月13日 · LP Hong is known as one of the top guru monks of the present era, although he is now 94 years old. He is well-known and popular for his knowledge in both Dhamma and Visha (supernatural arts). Luang Pu Hong Brommapanyo was a virtuous monk and performed many miracles bringing good luck and fortune to those who met him.
龍婆孔 / 龍婆宏 LP Hong ( Wat Phetburi ) – 上善佛印
LP Hong天性聰明,在兩年的時間內,已經完成學透了師父所教導的天文地理及佛經等。LP Hong當時已深入經藏,為了更深入研習佛理, 初期LP Hong住在廟裡跟LP Phen學禪定等法門。過了第一年的守夏節,LP Hong便辭別LP Phen去修苦行戒律。
sAMULETs™ ~ 森藏品™ ~: Biography of LP Hong
2009年4月13日 · LP Hong is a virtuous monk and performed many miracles bringing good luck and fortune to those who met him. He dedicated merit to people, cured patients with his wax and sacred water. His reputation as a Guru monk extended worldwide, as …
LP Hong Passed Away Peacefully BE2557 (Part 1). - Blogger
2014年3月16日 · LP Hong born in year BE2462 March 11 and ordained as novice BE2480 and ordained as monk in year BE2483. He was one of the Top Master monk in Surin province by his skillful Khmer magic wicha. He passed away peacefully on 5th March BE2557.
Temples In Thailand: Surin - Wat Phetchaburi - LP Hong - Blogger
2015年3月13日 · Luang Phor Hong had 8 brothers and sisters – he was the first son. He entered priesthood as a novice at 18 years old and ordained as a monk at the age of 20 at Wat Petchaburi. Present during his ordination were Luang Phor Prae, Luang Phor Chueng and Luang Phor Gad. As a novice, his masters called him "Samanane Bromsorn" (Novice Bromsorn).
【闲聊】又一阵风--龙普宏 LP Hong 全民抢购?去有风的地方 你 …
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LP Hong(鸿)Wat PhetBuri _ 崇迪佛
Wat PhetBuri LP Hong(鸿)于佛历2462年3月24日星期四,出世在Surin(素林府),泰国的知名的邪术黑区。LP鸿为大儿子,下有七位弟媳,儿时的LP鸿是一个努力聪明的小孩,对爸爸妈妈十分重视,自小就帮助父母工作中犁田收种。
泰牌好运佛行 - 师父:Lp hong(龙婆宏) 名稱:头帮自身(红铜) 寺 …
2024年11月4日 · 师父:Lp hong(龙婆宏) 名稱:头帮自身(红铜) 寺庙:wat petburi 佛歷:2541 功效:事业顺利,添人缘,招财,招贵人,事事顺心, 避险挡灾 师傅介绍: 一个事迹,那时大师为55岁,在大师修行期间,大家都非常担心,其后才知道大师修行至越南地区。
Miracle Amulets: Lp Hong - Blogger
LPhoo Hong was most respected by Jhow Narodom Sihanu the King of Cambodia.It's because LPhoo ever helped him to regain Cambodia from the French. There was a rumour that LPhoo Hong ever tested the heart of the King saying ,"If I helped you to win the war how are you going to repay me?" The King answered,"I will give you half of Cambodia."