LPKF PicoLine 5000 - LPKF Laser & Electronics
The LPKF PicoLine 5000 stands for highly precise positioning and accurate processing of PCB material such as FR4, PI-, LCP- and PTFE-FPC, in all industry-standard panel sizes. Due to the cutting edge laser processing technology, the heat affected zone (HAZ) of …
TGV玻璃通孔_电路板雕刻机_玻璃微加工_电路板打样设备_实验室加工电路板_激光塑料焊接_德国LPKF …
作为激光加工解决方案的行业领导者,lpkf帮助客户建立了功能强大的电子系统且增强了功能性,高效率地实现了在工业领域的广泛应用。 产业和技术 电子生产制造
The LPKF ProtoLaser
LPKF Laser & Electronics' ProtoLaser is a fully enclosed laser system for PCB prototyping and production on-demand. These stand-alone laser-based systems work directly off of CAD data to produce circuits on a variety of materials; from FR4 to PTEE and fired or green ceramics.
LPKF Vitrion S 5000
Vitrion作为LPKF LIDE技术的专用子品牌。 团队支持您参与到以LIDE技术为核心的创新制程。 了解更多LIDE技术与应用,样品信息,请您查阅网站 www.vitrion.com .
LPKF InlineWeld Series - app.lpkfusa.com
Choosing the LPKF Inline series welders reduces risk, shortens build times and guarantees a successful outcome for your client’s laser welding production lines. The system conforms to laser class 1 during production operations and incorporates safety sensors in the clamping system, cylinder unit and the component holder assuring easy ...
LPKF Vitrion 5000 激光系统特别为加工易碎的玻璃基材 而设计 , 可加工最大幅面为 510 mm x 510 mm 的玻璃面板 或 18 英寸的晶元。
Vitrion S 5000 laser system for glass processing | LPKF
Under the Vitrion brand, a full-service provider is available for all aspects of LPKF's LIDE technology. The team has an eye on the market dynamics and supports you in every phase of your LIDE-based innovation.
PicoLine 5000对多种材料提供多功能高效率加工_德国LPKF乐普科
lpkf picoline 5000对fr4、pi-、lcp-和ptfe-fpc等pcb材料进行高精度定位和高精密加工,适用于所有标准行业材料尺寸。 先进的激光加工技术使得材料的热影响区(HAZ)降到最低。
LIDE Laser Induced Deep Etching - lide.lpkf.com
With LPKF's newest Technology LIDE you can unlock the power and advantages of glass for your applications. Our Laser Induced Deep Etching Technology offers you a simple, fast, and precise process to handle glass like you never did before.
LPKF LIDE激光诱导深度蚀刻技术已成功用于半导体行业玻璃晶圆量产
2021年6月8日 · LPKF Vitrion激光系统应用最新的LIDE激光诱导深度蚀刻工艺以单次激光脉冲实现全厚度玻璃激光改性,通过非接触式精密激光使玻璃材料的微加工工艺达到前所未有的加工效率与生产质量。
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