LPKF ProtoLaser H4
This compact and economical solution is based on the proven concept of the LPKF ProtoLaser and LPKF ProtoMat systems. In combination with the LPKF CircuitPro software, it guarantees flawless operation based on your CAD data. Plug & play, all-in-one, desktop entry level laser system, comes with built-in computer and software
LPKF ProtoLaser H4 | Tabletop PCB Laser Structuring System
The LPKF ProtoLaser H4 enables efficient prototyping of complex digital, analog, RF and microwave circuit boards. The laser system achieves exact geometries on almost any material and is ideal for creating single or double-sided circuit boards, antennas, filters and many applications where precise, steep sidewalls are required.
LPKF ProtoLaser Prototyping Laser Systems | LPKF - lpkfusa.com
LPKF ProtoLaser H4 The Tabletop system enables efficient prototyping of digital and analog circuits, RF and microwave PCBs -- even for multilayer PCBs. It achieves precise geometries on virtually any material with the laser tool.
LPKF ProtoLaser H4
LPKF ProtoLaser H4 能高效加工复杂数字、模拟混合电路,射频与微波电路板样品、以及多层板。 该激光系统可在几乎任何材料上实现精确几何尺寸加工。
ProtoLaser H4 – more functions in a compact housing - lpkf.com
2024年8月29日 · The ProtoLaser H4 has so far been the link between mechanical PCB processing and LPKF laser processes. It can drill or cut mechanically thick substrates and multilayers using mechanical tools and combines this …
升级版ProtoLaser H4重磅推出-整机集成桌面式加工系统嵌入更多 …
2024年9月20日 · 随着 ProtoLaser H4 升级版本的推出,LPKF 配备的激光器的性能提高了25%,从 16W提高到 20 W。 在机械结构方面做了两项重要的改进:刀具位增加到 14 个,在无需手动更换刀具的情况下实现更高的自动化水平;同时,LPKF 将主轴转速从 60,000 rpm 提高到 100,000 rpm,缩短了机械加工时间,例如, 0.2 mm钻孔,更高效率的PCB 透铣以及柔性材料的加工。 优化的吸尘装置,将加工过程中产生的残留物完全清除。 集成的 MTM 模块(材料厚 …
LPKF超高精度多波段激光直写系统 - imperial-scientific.com
LPKF ProtoLaser H4 – 第二代桌面型电路板激光快速制作系统 . H4是目前实验室加工升级的一种优化解决方案: 将厚板甚至多层板的机械钻孔优势与高速、无接触的激光图形加工优势集成在一台桌面型加工系统中。
基于 LPKF ProtoLaser 激光直写系统与 LPKF ProtoMat 机械系统的多年实践验 证 , LPKF 推出了激光与机械结合的第二代解决方案 LPKF ProtoLaser H4, 该型号结构紧凑、更加经济 , 效
LPKF H4激光器:紧凑外壳下的创新力量 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在最新的ProtoLaser H4修订版中,LPKF对其性能进行了显著提升。 激光功率 从16瓦增加至20瓦,增幅达25%。 在机械结构化方面,工具架数量从6个增加到14个,实现了更高程度的自动化,减少了手动更换工具的需求。
LPKF ProtoLaser H4 - LPKF Laser & Electronics North America
The ProtoLaser H4 from LPKF Laser & Electronics North America is a PCB Prototyping Equipment that performs mechanical drilling & milling and laser surface processing. It can accommodate PCB sizes of up to 310 x 230 x 8 mm and also supports thick substrates including multilayer boards with a minimum drill diameter of 0.2 mm.