LPKF PCB Prototype Technology & Laser Material Processing
As a leading provider of laser manufacturing solutions, LPKF Laser & Electronics helps to create more powerful electronic systems and increase functionality and efficiency for a broad range of applications and industries. All key figures & information for shareholders.
德国LPKF激光电子股份公司,成立于1976年,总部位于Garbsen,致力于开发创新性激光解决方案的领先供应商。 目前已为电子行业、半导体领域、太阳能光伏产业、医疗行业、汽车行业成功开发专用技术和设备,LPKF激光系统在印刷电路板、微芯片、汽车零部件、太阳能电池板以及许多其他零部件的工艺制造中都起着至关重要的作用。 凭借LPKF领先的激光加工技术,丰富的集成设备经验,客户可以加工尺寸更小且精度更高的零部件。 LPKF覆盖了全球服务网络,从而确保 …
Company Profile | LPKF Laser & Electronics SE
LPKF has core competencies in the fields of optics & laser technology, laser material processing, microsystems technology and control technology & software. Based on this expertise, the company today offers solutions for the development and production of printed circuit boards, solar modules, automotive parts and batteries.
LPKF ProtoLaser Prototyping Laser Systems | LPKF - lpkfusa.com
The compact laser system produces precise, fine structures for demanding PCBs in a very short time. Using a special process, the ProtoLaser S4 quickly removes large copper areas from laminated substrates such as FR4. The ProtoLaser S4 also delivers excellent results on special materials for RF applications.
LPKF Laser & Electronics K.K.
LPKF Laser&Electronicsは、レーザー加工技術の大手プロバイダーです。 当社の技術詳細については、こちらをご覧ください⇒
LPKF ProtoLaser U4紫外激光材料加工利器_德国LPKF乐普科
LPKF ProtoLaser U4采用了全新的设计,根据激光微加工工艺优化后的快速视觉系统。 摄像头和图像识别系统用以捕获待加工基材上的基准点或几何结构。
LPKF: PCB Prototype Technology/Laser Material Processing
As a leading provider of laser manufacturing solutions, LPKF Laser & Electronics helps to create more powerful electronic systems and increase functionality and efficiency for a broad range of applications and industries.
数字陶瓷与玻璃印刷专家:关于我们 _德国LPKF乐普科
用于不同行业的激光转印与激光玻璃加工的技术专家 LPKF Laser&Electronics AG开发,制造和提供用于电子,光伏和汽车行业的激光系统。 为此,我们将激光,控制和驱动控制方面的造诣与广泛的微加工知识完美结合。 LPKF通过其服务中心提供可靠的售后服务与技术 ...
LPKF Laser & Electronics
LPKF develops printed circuit board (PCB) / microelectronics systems & process solutions, including prototyping, laser plastic welding, stencil cutting, & more.