LPKF ProtoLaser U4
The LPKF ProtoLaser U4 uses a newly designed, fast vision system optimized for laser micromachining. The camera and the image recognition process capture fiducials or geometric structures on the substrate to be processed.
LPKF ProtoLaser U4紫外激光材料加工利器_德国LPKF乐普科
LPKF ProtoLaser U4采用了全新的设计,根据激光微加工工艺优化后的快速视觉系统。 摄像头和图像识别系统用以捕获待加工基材上的基准点或几何结构。 LTTC — 利用ProtoLaser U4加工;低温共烧陶瓷(LTCC)是在无火情况下的薄陶瓷。
ProtoLaser U4 - LPKF Laser & Electronics AG - app.lpkfusa.com
The LPKF ProtoLaser U4 uses a newly designed vision system optimized for laser micro material processing. The camera and image recognition process probe any fiducials or geometric structures on the substrate to be processed.
The LPKF ProtoLaser U4 uses a newly designed rapid vision system that has been optimized for laser micro material processing. Fiducials and geometric structures on the substrate can be detected.
LPKF ProtoLaser Prototyping Laser Systems | LPKF - lpkfusa.com
Thanks to the specific wavelength of the UV laser, the ProtoLaser U4 can structure, engrave and cut materials in a single operation. This laser system is stable in the lower power range so that even thin and organic layers can be processed with minimal heat transfer.
LPKF ProtoLaser U4 采用波长为 355 nm 的紫外激光, 通过 扫描电镜引导激光加工方向进行电子实验的研发 , 在这个波 长范围内 , 大量材料可通过激光进行加工-无需刀具和掩膜。
LPKF ProtoLaser U4
Der LPKF ProtoLaser U4 verwendet einen speziell für den Einsatz im Elektroniklabor entwickelten scannergeführten Laser mit einer Wellenlänge von 355 nm im UV-Spektrum. Bei dieser Wellenlänge lassen sich viele Materialgruppen ausgezeichnet mit dem Laser bearbeiten – ohne zusätzliche Werkzeuge, Masken oder Filme.
Equipment – LPKF Protolaser U4 | T.J. Rodgers RLE Laboratory
LPKF ProtoLaser U4. The U4 uses a scanner-guided laser with a wavelength of 355 nm. The instrument is advertised primarily for printed circuit board (PCB) prototyping or pilot manufacture. However, the UV wavelength makes it useful for fine-scale cutting, drilling and …
LPKF激光减材柔性电子制备系统(激光微加工)_参数_价格-仪器 …
ProtoLaser U4 配置了适合冷加工的纳秒紫外355nm激光,可用于多种材料如LTCC,PTFE,ITO/TCO基材,FR4或射频材料等,实现钻孔,切割,及精细结构线路加工;