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LPKF specializes in printed circuit board (PCB) equipment, tools, stencils, accessories and materials. View our exhaustive selection.
LPKF Online Store - app.lpkfusa.com
Disposable Cartridge for ProtoMat®. H100 vac.
LPKF ProConduct Through-hole Plating | LPKF - lpkfusa.com
The specially developed LPKF ProConduct through-hole plating process metallizes through-holes with a diameter of up to 0.4 mm and an aspect ratio of 1:4. Under special conditions, even holes with a smaller diameter can be through-plated.
LPKF Online Store - Product Detail - app.lpkfusa.com
Dust Extraction System for the ProConduct® Vacuum Table and all LPKF ProtoMat® models except H100. Whisper quiet (62 dba), variable speed, dust extraction system includes….. 0-140 CFM airflow and a highly effective 2 stage filter system; 1st stage: Multi-layered disposable bag 2nd stage: HEPA filter allowing > 99.97% dust capture efficiency.
LPKF ProConduct Through-hole Plating | LPKF
The specially developed LPKF ProConduct through-hole plating process metallizes through-holes with a diameter of up to 0.4 mm and an aspect ratio of 1:4. Under special conditions, even holes with a smaller diameter can be through-plated.
LPKF MultiPress S4
The single-phase operation, built-in vacuum and hyd-raulic pump, connectivity, and predefined process setups for common materials make the stand-alone LPKF MultiPress S4 the most efficient system for multi-layer pressing in your own lab. Any fumes or odors can be removed directly via an exhaust connection to the ventilation system.
LPKF Vacuum table The LPKF Vacuum table provides support for rigid and flexible PCBs during printing on the LPKF ProtoPrint S, and placing of components with the LPKF ProtoPlace S or with LP. F ProtoPlace BGA. The design of the vacuum table guarantees easy and free movement of the table between printer and placer without disconnection or interrupt.
LPKF ProConduct is a proven, application-tested technology for reliable through-hole plating of double-sided and multilayer PCBs. This compact system is extremely fast and easy to use. Its rapid parallel processing method delivers completely safe, reliable and thermally stable via plating results for double-sided or multilayer boards.
LPKF Vacuum Table, User manual, ENG, v1.03 - Archive.org
Addeddate 2021-03-11 05:15:15 Identifier manualzilla-id-5818801 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t9j49h280 Ocr tesseract 5.0.0-alpha-20201231-10-g1236 Ocr_autonomous true Ocr_detected_lang en Ocr_detected_lang_conf 1.0000 Ocr_detected_script Latin Ocr_detected_script_conf 1.0000 Ocr_module_version 0.0.13 Ocr_parameters -l deu+eng+Latin Page_number_confidence 96.00
LPKF ProtoLaser Prototyping Laser Systems | LPKF - lpkfusa.com
The LPKF ProtoLasers are compact and undemanding. They only require a power outlet and compressed air and can fit through any lab door. The LPKF ProtoLasers S4 and U4 are each equipped with a vacuum table and a vision system and meet the requirements of laser class 1 in operation (no additional protective measures necessary).