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数据中心光模块技术及演进 - ZTE
果采用线性驱动可插拨光模块(lpo)技术路线,则可在数 据链路中只使用线性模拟元件,无需数字信号处理(DSP) 或者时钟数据恢复(CDR)芯片,从而降低DSP/CDR产生
Eoptolink offers a full portfolio of LPO optics for OSFP, OSFP-RHS, QSFP-DD and QSFP112 transceivers. At ECOC 2023, Eoptolink will be conducting an interop demo to highlight Interoperability between LPO and DSP based modules. The demonstration is designed to prove: • LPO modules can support links with VSR insertion loss in the host system.
Network equipment comprised of Linear Pluggable Optics (LPO) modules and host ASICs provides a full suite of capabilities for link monitoring and analysis by leveraging diagnostic capabilities integrated within components along the signal path.
Linear Pluggable Optics (LPO) • Transceiver implementers have made good progress in demonstrating technical feasibility of LPO • Active optical cables and network interface cards are examples of where LPO can operate with margin • LPO will find applications where links can have margin, or where customers can take greater
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• LPO enable significantly lower E/O conversion power • LPO enable significantly lower cooling power • LPO offer >110 ns lower latency • LPO offer lower cost • LPO needs a healthy ecosystem established • LPO standardization is hindered by outdated serdes assumptions • LPO link accountability needs to be established
Non-retimed Linear Drive Pluggable Optics (LPO) was the hottest topic at OFC 2023 and it continued to draw a crowd at the most recent international optical networking show CIOE 2023. LightCounting and IPEC co-hosted a webinar to discuss the very latest progress in the development and adoption of this technology on September 20, 2023.
Will Linear Pluggable Optics (LPO) Have a Future Beyond 112G? Xiang Zhou and Hong Liu Google Platforms Infrastructure Engineering
Advantages of Linear Pluggable Optics (LPO): •Lower Power (up to 50% module power consumption savings compared to traditional retimed modules) •Lower Latency •Protocol Agnostic •Keeps sideband functionality / manageability •Orders of magnitude of BER margin •Electrical specification (EECQ) alignment with optical specification (TDECQ)
LPO模块的设计框图如下,和传统的re-timer模块方案对比, 主要是:1)去除CDR/oDSP等re-timer组件;2)使用性能更优、 SI补偿能力更强的的DRV/TIA电芯片;3)将部分补偿功能集成到
ODCC:2023年112G LPO光模块应用白皮书(46页).pdf_三个皮 …
2023年10月16日 · LPO技术通过去除传统的re-timer芯片,实现了低延迟、低成本和低功耗的特性。文中详细介绍了LPO技术的原理、优势、接口类型、设计挑战以及在线调优方案。LPO技术面临的挑战包括接口标准不统一、商用落地困难等。