LPP (gene) - Wikipedia
Lipoma-preferred partner is a subfamily of LIM domain proteins that are characterized by an N-terminal proline rich region and three C-terminal LIM domains. The encoded protein localizes to the cell periphery in focal adhesions and may be involved in cell- cell adhesion and cell motility.
LPP Gene - GeneCards | LPP Protein | LPP Antibody
2024年12月25日 · LPP (LIM Domain Containing Preferred Translocation Partner In Lipoma) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with LPP include Leukemia, Acute Myeloid and Soft Tissue Sarcoma. Among its related pathways are MFAP5 effect on permeability and motility of endothelial cells via cytoskeleton rearrangement and Cytoskeletal Signaling.
4026 - Gene ResultLPP LIM domain containing preferred …
LPP is a nucleocytoplasmatic shuttle protein linking focal adhesion dynamics to the transcriptional machinery. Gene expression levels of bcl-6, lpp and miR-28 are different in various diffuse large B cell lymphoma cell lines. haploinsufficiency of LPP may be a novel cause of conotruncal cardiac anomalies, particularly forms of tetralogy of Fallot
Combinatorial leaky probiotic for anticancer immunopotentiation …
2024年11月19日 · Herein, we demonstrate a single-vector combinational anticancer therapy using an lpp gene knockout leaky probiotic for simultaneous secretion of immunotherapeutic and oncolytic effector molecules. Through fusion protein design and vector optimization, a Nissle1917 (EcN) bacteria vector is engineered to secrete Neoleukin-2/15 (Neo-2/15) cytokine ...
Emerging roles for LPP in metastatic cancer progression - PMC
Lipoma Preferred Partner (LPP) is a member of the zyxin family of LIM proteins that has long been characterized as a promoter of mesenchymal/fibroblast cell migration. More recently, LPP has emerged as a critical inducer of tumor cell migration, invasion and metastasis.
LPP LIM domain containing preferred translocation partner in …
Data indicate a function for lipoma preferred partner (LPP) in the formation of invadopodia and a requirement for LPP in mediating the metastatic ability of breast cancer cells. This is the first report of epigenetic regulation of the intronic miR-28-5p expression by promoter DNA methylation of its host gene, LPP.
Lipoprotein Lpp regulates the mechanical properties of the
2020年4月14日 · In Escherichia coli, the lipoprotein Lpp provides the only covalent crosslink between the outer membrane and the peptidoglycan. Here, we use single-cell atomic force microscopy and genetically...
LPP, an Actin Cytoskeleton Protein Related to Zyxin, Harbors a …
The LPP gene is the preferred translocation partner of the HMGIC gene in a subclass of human benign mesenchymal tumors known as lipomas. Here we have characterized the LPP gene product that shares 41% of sequence identity with the focal adhesion protein zyxin.
这个基因编码一个LIM结构域蛋白亚家族的成员,其特点是N端富含脯氨酸的区域和三个C端的LIM结构域。 编码的蛋白质定位在细胞周缘的粘附斑中,可能参与细胞间粘附和细胞迁移。 这个蛋白质也在细胞核中穿梭,可能作为转录共激活因子发挥作用。 这个基因位于某些疾病相关染色体易位的连接处,导致表达可能促进肿瘤生长的嵌合蛋白。 可选的剪接导致多个转录变异体。 [由RefSeq,2014年7月提供] Dir./Indir. Global, in vivo, and site-specific phosphorylation …
Gene: LPP (ENSG00000145012) - Summary - Homo_sapiens
LIM domain containing preferred translocation partner in lipoma [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc: 6679] Chromosome 3: 187,871,072-188,608,460 forward strand. GRCh37:CM000665.1. This gene has 21 transcripts (splice variants), 10 paralogues and is associated with 66 phenotypes. Show transcript table.