【硬件】记一个捡便宜的索尼PRS-300电子书 - 知乎
此电子书型号是PRS-300,发售日期是2009年8月5日,这一晃就是8年。 没有扬声器,没有耳机孔,没有WIFI模块,只适合拿来干它的本职工作,阅读书籍。 因为不在中国发售,所以能买到的二手,都是不折不扣的洋垃圾,默认是不支持中文的,会显示为乱码,因此需要刷中文固件和字库,需要一定的技术,不会折腾的话,基本没法用。 然后,谈谈重点吧,就是这玩意到手后,要怎么进行处理,才能支持中文,这也是重点,下面我来讲讲: 首先,我是参考的这个帖子 SONY …
Sony Reader Pocket Edition Silver PRS-300SC - Amazon.com
2009年8月25日 · The Reader Pocket Edition lets you access up to 350 of your favorite books from anywhere. Its elegant, lightweight design is small enough to slip into a purse or jacket pocket, and features a 5 display with E Ink Vizplex paper-like screen technology for easy reading, even in …
- 评论数: 195
LPRC300 - ZKTeco
LPRC300 is ZKTeco's new generation of license plate recognition cameras adopting a 0.5 TOPS chip and an embedded deep learning algorithm. The camera can provide higher license plate recognition performance, widely adaptable to parking and access control environments.
Drivers and Software updates for PRS-300 | Sony USA - Sony …
Find firmware updates, drivers and software downloads for PRS-300.
SONY READER PRS-300 USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Sony Reader PRS-300 user manual online. Digital Book Reader. Reader PRS-300 ebook reader pdf manual download. Also for: Reader prs300sc/epl, Reader prs-300sc.
贷款市场报价利率(LPR) - 中国银行网站
贷款市场报价利率(Loan Prime Rate,简称LPR)是指由各报价行根据其对最优质客户执行的贷款利率,按照公开市场操作利率加点形成的方式报价,由中国人民银行授权全国银行间同业拆借中心计算得出并发布的利率。 各银行实际发放的贷款利率可根据借款人的信用情况,考虑抵押、期限、利率浮动方式和类型等要素,在贷款市场报价利率基础上加减点确定。 LPR报价行现由18家商业银行组成,报价行应于每月20日(遇节假日顺延)9时前,按公开市场操作利率(主要指中期借 …
智能車牌識別系統有效管理停車場 - Cornerstone Technologies
Recently, the Hong Kong Housing Society has declared how much they are at ease having the Licence Plate Recognition System (LPRS) in place at their car parks. It helps to avoid having non EV cars to be occupied at the EV charging car park bays.
Sony PRS-300 Pocket Edition Review - The eBook Reader
Read about the Sony PRS-300, its features, pros and cons, and find where to get free and new ebooks for the Pocket Edition, as well as skins, covers, and accessories.
LPRS 產品 – Mouser 臺灣
LPRS 產品 在Mouser Electronics有售。Mouser提供LPRS 產品 的庫存、價格和資料表。
Low Power Radio Solutions (LPRS) is a market leader in short-range, license-free, sub-1GHz wireless technology. LPRS was one of the first companies to supply a modular wireless solution — a major step forward for wireless designers. LPRS then developed easyRadio, the world’s first radio module with an embedded communication software protocol.