California Department of State Hospitals - Metropolitan Facilities
Unit 410 is an acute and CMS certified admission unit. The unit accepts Patients newly admitted to the hospital as well as Patients from other treatment units who are experiencing an acute …
PAGE 3 INTRODUCTION 1. What is this Toolkit? This Toolkit was created to support treatment for individuals 1 with serious mental illness (SMI) in California jails who have been deemed …
California Department of State Hospitals - Metropolitan …
DSH-Metropolitan treats approximately 800 patients committed under two main categories: Incompetent to Stand Trial (PC 1370; "forensic") and Conservatorship (LPS). The units are …
DSH IMO Toolkit - California
12. County checklist for IMO implementation Enlist support of Sheriff, Jail Health Care provider, County Counsel, and County Behavioral Health
Short (LPS) patients for the counties of California. These patients are committed to DSH due to the danger they pose to the public and require treatment in secure facilities due
401.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE. This policy provides guidance to California Department of State Hospitals (DSH) employees and establishes appropriate controls to ensure that employees of …
Forensic Commitments and Treatment - California
Forensic Commitments and Treatment. People who come to a California state hospital through a forensic commitment are individuals who have been charged with or convicted of criminal …
This suspension of LPS patient admissions will remain in effect for 30 days, unless extended by the Director of the Department. Please contact DSH's Office of Communications if you have …
patients admitted in accordance with the Lanterman-Petris-Short (LPS) Act. DSH is primarily funded through the State General Fund and reimbursements collected from counties for the …
California Department of State Hospitals Publications
DISCLAIMER: The documents contained on these pages are facsimiles of the rulemaking records produced at the time the regulations were promulgated.For the most up-to-date and accurate …