Tidal Levels: LAT, MSL, ML, HAT by Geomatix
HAT / LAT: The highest/lowest level that can be expected to occur under average meteorological conditions and under any combination of astronomical conditions. Note 1,2 MHWS / MHWN : The average of the two successive high waters during those periods of 24 hours when the range of the tide is at its greatest/least.
Long QT Syndrome: Symptoms & Treatment - Cleveland Clinic
Long QT syndrome is a problem with the electrical system in your heart taking too long to recharge. This issue can lead to a life-threatening type of abnormal heart rhythm. People can inherit or acquire long QT syndrome. Most people take medication for long QT. Others may need a device or surgery to lower their risk of abnormal heart rhythms.
长QT综合征 - 百度百科
长QT综合征(long QT syndrome, LQTS)表现为QT间期延长和T波异常,易产生恶性心律失常,导致反复发作性晕厥、心脏骤停甚至猝死等心脏不良事件。 LQTS患病率约为1/2500,临床表现多样性,患者可以终身无症状,也可能在婴儿期发生猝死。 LQTS可分为遗传性与获得性两种,遗传性LQTS可呈常染色体显性遗传,如Romano-Ward综合征,或常染色体隐性遗传,如Jerwell-Lange-Nielsen综合征,多见于青年。 按病因可分为遗传性LQTS和获得性LQTS。 遗传性LQTS …
Long QT (QTc) interval, long QT syndrome (LQTS) & torsades …
Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is manifest when a long QT interval induces ventricular arrhythmias. Figure 1. The QT interval on the ECG. The QT interval is inversely related to heart rate. As the heart rate increases, the QT interval decreases and vice versa.
海洋结构物设计水深相关概念 - 技术邻
2021年4月26日 · 在API RP 2MET中,HAT、LAT对应于我国规范中设计高、低水位;而叠加了风暴潮的Highest still water level和Lowest still water level对应于极端高、低水位。 在海洋结构物设计中,水深是最基本的环境要素之一,在一定程度上决定着结构物的分类及相应的设计方法。 海洋结构物所在海域水深一般由工程地质勘察单位提供。 水深通常是相对于某个基准面的数值,API RP2 MET(2014)规范取平均海平面 (M.S.L, mean sea level)或最低天文潮(LAT,
浅谈线性定常系统最优跟踪问题——Optimal Tracking of LTI Systems …
本文简单介绍下线性定常系统(Linear Time-Invariant System)的最优跟踪问题,主要介绍L-Q问题 (LQT)。 本文主要讨论跟踪(Tracking)问题,不详细讨论调节(Regulation)问题,且本文中均 假设参考轨迹在任意时刻已知,即不讨论伺服问题和 模型 跟踪问题。 姑且不考虑观测器问题,假设系统状态完全可得,考虑如下线性定常离线时间系统: [xt+1 x˙t+1] [x t + 1 x ˙ t + 1] [I 0 Δt ⋅ I I] [I Δ t ⋅ I 0 I] [xt x˙t] [x t x ˙ t] [0 Δt ⋅ I] [0 Δ t ⋅ I]
The molecular basis of long QT syndrome and prospects for therapy
1998年9月1日 · Clinical symptoms of LQT include syncope, seizures and sudden death. These are caused by ventricular tachyarrhythmias, specifically torsade de pointes (Fig. 1) [1], which degenerates into ventricular fibrillation. Tragically, LQT commonly affects young, otherwise healthy, individuals.
Inherited long QT syndrome - Herzschrittmachertherapie
2012年9月21日 · Inherited long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a disease characterized by a prolonged ventricular repolarization and is associated with an evaluated risk for sudden cardiac death (SCD) or survived cardiac arrest (SCA).
LONG-QT综合症 - 百度百科
Amazon.com: LQT Multifunctional Electric Clipper & Hair Trimmer, …
2025年1月4日 · Amazon.com: LQT Multifunctional Electric Clipper & Hair Trimmer, USB Rechargeable, Lightweight, Professional Beard & Hair Groomer, Low Noise, Ideal Gift for Him (Hat) : Beauty & Personal Care