LR 4095 40 95 30 68 21 14 9 55 35 54 6.6 0.3 M6 800 150 326 LR 50130 50 130 42 82 30 20 12 78 50 66 9 0.3 M8 1810 285 577 Note) Using a hexagonal-socket-head type bolt as the mounting bolt marked with Î may cause interference. Model LR or LR-Z S ... THK Created Date:
THK Store-LR
LR: This model is designed to be fit into a groove machined on the mounting surface. By screwing bolts into four holes on the raceway base, it is secured on the mounting surface. (Fixture models SM and SE are also available.) LR-Z: A lighter type that uses a resin retainer and is designed to be mounted in the same manner as model LR. Since it ...
- [PDF]
Models HSR-LR/XLR Speci¿ cation TableðA The LM block has the same cross-sectional shape as model HSR-R, but has a longer overall LM block length (L) and a greater rated load. Model HSR-A Speci¿ cation TableðA The À ange of its LM block has tapped holes. Model HSR-LA Speci¿ cation TableðA
LR 2055Z | 产品详细规格 - THK
最低使用温度 华氏(°f) 最高使用温度 摄氏(°c) 最高使用温度 华氏(°f) 5: 80: 176
LR形/LR-Z形|その他直線運動案内|製品情報|THKオフィシャ …
lr形は、取付面に溝加工し、はめ込んで使用します。軌道台に加工された4ヶ所の穴をボルトで固定し取付けます。(取付金具sm形、se形も使用できます。) lr-z形は、樹脂リテーナを採用し、軽量化したタイプで、取付方法はlr形と同一です。また、シール取付溝を設けてあるため、耐摩耗 …
LR2055Z | LM滾柱 LR型、LR-Z型 | THK | MISUMI【台灣三住】
thk的lm滾柱 lr型、lr-z型lr2055z的選擇・訂購。除了三住自有品牌外,還有國內外1800個品牌,900萬件以上的商品。無最低訂購量,提供種類豐富的cad檔案。thk的lm滾柱 lr型、lr-z型lr2055z,fa・模具零件、工具・工場消耗品的訂購就交給misumi。
LMローラー LR形、LR-Z形 | THK - MISUMI(ミスミ)
THKのlmローラー lr形、lr-z形の選定・通販ページ。ミスミ他、国内外3,324メーカー、2,070万点以上の商品を1個から配送。豊富なcadデータ提供。THKのlmローラー lr形、lr-z形を始め、fa・金型部品、工具・工場消耗品の通販ならmisumi。
Full-Ball LM Guide Global Standard Model HSR Models HSR-LR/LRM/XLR - THK
Note) This model number indicates that a single-rail unit constitutes one set. (i.e., required number of sets when 2 rails are used in parallel is 2 at a minimum.) Those models equipped with QZ Lubricator cannot have a grease nipple. When desiring a grease nipple for a model attached with QZ, contact THK.
THK Store-HSR-LR Block
*Please contact THK if you need more than available quantity or out of stock items . Attributes Part Number CAD Online Store Unit Price (USD) Quantity Days to Ship Size Preload Include Rail Item Total; Size: 15. Preload: No Preload. HSR15LR1SS BLOCK ... LR: 45: CA: 55: CB: 65: HA ...
PPR-LR3-LF1 - thk.com
The PPR integrates a force sensor. The PPR not only supports linear and rotary operation, but also has pneumatic devices and various sensors built in. The all-in-one robot combines all elements needed for optimized pick and place applications. It can both control damage and reduce cycle time.