When is a DPMS LR-308 not .308 ready? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2010年2月6日 · Re: When is a DPMS LR-308 not .308 ready? According to SAAMI, the MAX pressure for .308WIN is 62,000psi. MAX pressure I found stated for the 7.62 NATO was 58,000, some sources saying as low as 50,000.
LR-308 Trigger Upgrade? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2012年8月18日 · Re: LR-308 Trigger Upgrade? I put a Timney 4lb trigger in both my S&W 15 Sport and in my new LR 308 and it does make a difference for me. On the Sport I get 3 shot groups with the holes touching each other at 100 yards. The stock trigger was well over 9lbs.
Troubleshooting Failure to Feed on a DPMS LR-308
2012年1月19日 · 'Evening gents. I've been chasing a problem with my DPMS Heavy Barrel Panther LR-308. I get frequent Failure to Feed incidents where the round being fed doesn't make it into the chamber, and the bolt slams into the brass and the bullet ends up wedged at a 30-degree angle halfway in and out of the chamber.
DPMS Panther LR-308 VS Panther LRT-SASS - Sniper's Hide
2010年6月8日 · Re: DPMS Panther LR-308 VS Panther LRT-SASS the contour is very thick on the reciver side of the gas block. i own a DPMS SASS and cn tell you its kinda nose heavy because of the thick contour of the barrel. and yes, the JP adj trigger is leaps and bounds better than the standard. and i also like it because its single stage and not such a leap in feeling from my other rifle. i have been ...
Which Buffer Tube and Spring for DPMS LR-308 and Collapsible …
2020年12月6日 · 308 and 6.5CM, various barrel lengths, various conventional gas system lengths. All of them use Tubbs Flatwire 308 recoil springs.. all run Adj. GB's .....both carbine patterns use 5.3oz'ish buffers and rifle patterns use 9.3oz buffers. So I am making suggestions based on my experiments and conclusions, Not just throwing money at the firearm.
LR-308 Build Help | Sniper's Hide Forum
2020年11月14日 · Hi y'all. I'm building my dad a LR-308 and was wanting some advice. I've built about 10 AR-15's and a couple AR-9's but I know the large frame is a whole other beast. It's mostly going to be for fun and maybe some white tail hunting. Most shots 50-100 yards.
LR-308/SR25 Firing Pin | Sniper's Hide Forum
2010年11月20日 · Every JP .308 BCG I have seen/used has been DPMS spec (at least with respect to the critical dimensions, firing pins, retainer pins, cam pins, etc. despite the rather obvious external differences of the LMOS carriers compared to the basic LR-308 carriers).
Bushmaster LR-308 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年8月10日 · Re: Bushmaster LR-308 BTW, you may want to trade the LR308 for a Remington 700 Police in 308. Have the barrel cut to 18 or 20 inches, scope it up and call it a day. The advantage of an autoloader is fast follow ups. Rarely in LE shootings do you need follow ups.
16” .308 Buffer Assembly Recommendations - Sniper's Hide
2023年11月20日 · The only buffer that fits and retracts far enough for bolt hold open and function is the tiny little LR-308 carbine buffer. Best bet is to get the longer ArmaLite A5/Vltor RET, which will allow you to use AR-15 carbine-length buffers, along with a rifle spring. Use a heavier buffer above 5oz in weight from the AR-15 carbine line-up.
Question on DPMS .308 upper rail height... - Sniper's Hide
2013年8月22日 · The LR-308 never even had an ejection port door, so it was like a Lo-Pro Classic on steroids. The .223 Lo-Pro Classic was out at least as early as 2002, for about $630 retail at the time, with a bull barrel, .936" aluminum gas block, CLGS, carbine free-float tube, A2 stock, and soft receivers.