LRA Advogados Angola
A LRA ADVOGADOS é uma sociedade independente que se dedica à prestação de serviços jurídicos e assessoria nas mais diversas áreas do direito, tendo como sócia fundadora e managing partner a Dr.ª Dulce Lara Reais.
We offer faithfulness, competence, diligence and good judgment. We strive to represent you as we would want to be represented and to be worthy of your trust. We practice law by "The Golden Rule." We seek to improve our legal system, and we seek the common good through the representation of our clients. PRACTICE AREAS.
Real Estate Law, Real Estate Law, Areas - LRA Lawyers Angola
LRA ADVOGADOS, whose founding partner and managing partner is José Luis Domingos, is an independent law firm in Angola, that provides legal services and advice in several areas of the law.
Team - LRA Lawyers Angola
LRA ADVOGADOS, whose founding partner and managing partner is José Luis Domingos, is an independent law firm in Angola, that provides legal services and advice in several areas of the law.
What is a Less Restrictive Alternative (LRA)? | DSHS
A less restrictive alternative (LRA) is outpatient treatment provided to an individual who meets criteria for commitment but is not residing in a facility providing inpatient treatment. If the court finds that the individual meets the criteria for commitment, the court can either authorize commitment of the individual for inpatient treatment or ...
LRA LAW offers a comprehensive and personal client service, guiding you through your options; ensuring that the future of your family is secure and that your wishes are carried out. LRA LAW will also be there for you if you need advice about probate (the management of a person’s affairs after their death).
To change the law governing labour relations and, for that purpose- to give effect to section 27 of the Constitution; to regulate the organisational rights of trade unions; to promote and facilitate collective bargaining at the workplace and at sectoral level; to regulate the right to strike and the recourse to lockout in conformity
Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 - South African Government
The Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 intends: to provide for incidental matters. The Southern African Legal Information Institute provides a complete amended Act at https://www.saflii.org/za/legis/consol_act/lra1995188/ [Updated to 27 November 2018]
Practice Advisory: The Laken Riley Act's Mandatory Detention …
On January 29, 2025, President Trump signed the Laken Riley Act (LRA) into law. The law expands no-bond detention for certain noncitizens in immigration proceedings, and it also purports to give states the ability to sue the federal government over immigration decisions they dislike, opening the door to politically motivated and discriminatory ...
LRA LAW | solicitor in Frodsham | Helsby, Frodsham, UK
“LRA LAW Solicitors, specialise in Private Client law in Helsby, Frodsham, Chester, and Liverpool, focusing on Wills, Estate Planning, and Trusts.”