VIP GT Style // Aimgain International Lexus LS460.
2014年8月6日 · The car wears a full Aimgain GT-VIP kit which includes front bumper, side-skirts, and rear bumper. To beef up the car even more, this 460 also has front and rear over-fenders which help swallow up those massive wheels at full drop.
Lexus Builds: Upgrading an LS 460 L from Sunday Driver to Luxury VIP
2021年1月6日 · Lexus Builds: Upgrading an LS 460 L from Sunday Driver to Luxury VIP By Cameron Aubernon - January 6, 2021 Previously a Sunday driver for a church-goin’ grandpa, Club Lexus member built his LS 460 L into a luxury cruiser ready for Miami clubs.
Tony's Lexus LS460 on e-Level | HALCYON (4K) - YouTube
While out in Las Vegas with @accuair , we met up with Tony and his big body Lexus LS460. This car is an extremely tasteful example of modern VIP. Built by Pl...
Do It For The Kids: A VIP Style LS460 - Speedhunters
2018年2月12日 · Thanks to Josh White of Priola Bodyshop, fitment of the aggressive Black Pearl kit is perfect and looks amazing in conjunction with the Wald fenders and rear wide-body. You’ll also notice it’s had an F Sport conversion carried out on the front end, which plays very nicely with the other aesthetic choices for the car.
VIP Style Lexus LS460L - YouTube
Here's my old VIP Style 2007 Lexus LS460L I recently sold 😭 Video made by my friend @Mykel.Filmz*Paint - Custom white with violet pearl*Body Kit - Mode Parf...
Nat Huynh's 2007 Lexus LS460L - Big & Boosted - MotorTrend
2017年4月5日 · The updated front and Black Pearl kit, combined with Wald vented fenders, made for one of the most aggressive VIP cars we've seen stateside.
VIP風 LS460車的個性 人的面子 | 未分類 | CARNEWS
2010年6月25日 · 如果要編輯部選出現行車中最適合VIP Style代表車款的話,LS460絕對當仁不讓! 無論Junction Produce、Wald、K-Break或其它品牌,其實LS460的空力套件都差不多,真正要注意的反倒是LS600h的保桿與LS460不能共用這個問題。
"这台LS460L最吸引我的是它那有5.1⽶的⻋⻓、后排的公务舱⻜机座椅、 吊顶电视机、推背按摩座椅、冰箱以及独⽴后排娱乐等等,配置实在太多。 这台LS460在入手之后,大丧并没有立刻对它进行改装,因为年份已久,车子出现了烧机油的现象,大丧选择将发动机拆下来大修一遍,直到大半年之间过去后才着手对它进行改装。 发动机大修完之后,大丧给这台LS460上身了一套3H气动避震,在保持舒适的情况下也保证了日常的通过性,轮毂方面则选择了一套20寸的SSR CV04S。 …
Lexus LS460L VIP - Auta z Japonii - classcarsllc.com
Lexus LS460L w wersji VIP z 2008 roku, 4.6l V8, 155 000 km. Auto bezpośrednio z naszego placu w Japonii, dostępne od ręki.
老闆也瘋狂 : Aimgain Lexus LS460 日系VIP改裝風!
變長的結果可能會讓強調後座空間的老闆多注意到新款Lexus LS,而搭載油電混合動力、擁有394HP最大馬力與53.0kgm最大扭力、頂級的Lexus LS600hL更是達到比前代車型優異的油耗數字,實在是忠於Lexus的後座買家們的優質選。 然而,專注完美、近乎苛求、本職應該是載著公司老闆出沒各大會議的新款Lexus LS460也是有人著手改裝的,而且還是眼前各位所見的這副badass模樣。 這是改裝廠Aimgain的最新作品,將這部白色2014年款式Lexus LS460換上全新設計的前 …
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