Trademarks Owned by the Law School Admission Council, Inc. (“LSAC…
LSAC’s trademarks are solely for use by LSAC and its affiliates, subsidiaries and licensees. Use of any LSAC logo or trademark is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of an authorized representative of LSAC.
The Law School Admission Council | LSAC
Start your Law School journey with LSAC, a not-for-profit organization committed to promoting quality, access, and equity in law and education.
Use the LSAC logo on all promotional materials about your program. The LSAC logo in digital and print file formats will be available for you to download on LSAC.org.
Guidelines for Informational Use of Law School Admission Council…
Logos. LSAC strictly limits the use of its logos. Any use of any LSAC logo without LSAC’s prior written consent pursuant to a written trademark license is expressly prohibited. Please contact LSAC’s marketing and communications department at [email protected] to request permission for use of an LSAC logo, which LSAC may deny in its ...
Law School Admission Council Logos & Brand Assets | Brandfetch
Find the Law School Admission Council style guide with brand assets such as logos, colors, fonts, and more.
LawHub — Home — LSAT and Law School Prep
Make informed decisions about law school with comprehensive data on admissions, job placements, costs, and more. Browse LSAT prep providers and other legal education-related products and services to support your journey. Attend the LSAC Forums to meet law school admission representatives. Events are in-person or online.
Law School Admission Council - Wikipedia
The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) is a nonprofit corporation that provides products and services to facilitate the admission process for law schools and their applicants worldwide. More than 200 law schools in the United States, Canada, and Australia are members of the Council.
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Lsac Logo - CrystalPng
Lsac Logo, Law school admission council, nonprofit organization, png transparent HD files format free designs for and personal use only
美国法学申请系统LSAC使用详解 - 启德教育
2021年7月24日 · LSAC现在与美国大学注册主任与招生官员联合会(American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, AACRAO) 联合为申请美国或加拿大法学学位的国际学生提供证书文件的统一寄送服务(Credential Assembly Service)。