3.9 GPA, 169 LSAT Statistics - Law School Numbers
3.9 GPA, 169 LSAT Statistics. If you want to know what law schools you should be applying to with a 3.9 GPA, 169 LSAT, check out the stats below for similar LSN users:
Understanding LSAT Scores · LSData
2023年4月2日 · You would need to a top score across all LSAT attempts of a 177 to be in the top 1% of US and Canadian applicants; An applicant needs a top score of 169 to be in the top 10% of applicants; More people had a top score of 153 than any other LSAT score; 71 people applied to law school for the 2022 year with a top LSAT score of 120
2022 LSATers必看:LSAT 169,拿下哥伦比亚大学JD offer,超实 …
免费lsat模考系统,让刷题无忧. 目前博智的lsat仿真模考里的套题为92套题全题库的pt模式和全仿真模式。由海望老师和陆旭老师完整整理过,全部免费向学员开放。
How to Calculate Your LSAT Scores and Percentile - 7Sage
This chart shows you actual conversions between raw score, scaled score, and percentile, including how to scale your raw score into the LSAT score range between 120-180 as well as into an estimated LSAT percentile.
3.80 GPA and 169 LSAT, what are my options? : r ... - Reddit
2023年6月20日 · The LSAT 169 looks promising. As you noted, although the medians are increasing, they will stabilize and you have a good chance at some T14s if you could retake and break into 170s. An ideal LSAT score would be above 173 …
2022 LSAT考生必看:有策略,有主见,LSAT 169,ED拿到哥伦比亚大学JD offer的小哥哥:7条LSAT …
2021年8月23日 · 一直到8月开始出分,我本身LSAT就考了这么一次,考了169分。 之所以没有继续考主要原因有几个:一个是我当时还在做一份实习,是8月初接到的实习,机会也很宝贵,所以我想把握住这次实习机会;另一方面,169分的成绩,我觉得很难再有质. 请简单说说你最初为什么考虑要备考LSAT,申请JD吗? 大家好,我是大二上学期结束的时候才决定要去美国读法学院 的。 我本科学的是政治学,政治学本身在美国走科研的道路是比较艰难的,所以去了很多地方实 …
学员分享 | "顺利拿下169,我的全部LSAT备考经验都在这里!"
在本次出分的联才学员中,不少都取得了相当满意的成绩,从169-172不等. 本着致力于信息经验分享的一贯原则,我们今天便邀请到了刚刚出分的其中一位学员 – 美本的T同学,在这次的考试中他拿下了 169 的成绩,相信他在接下来的考试中可以拿下更好的分数。 那么, 他的LSAT备考之路是怎么样的呢? 他对LSAT提分又有什么经验呢? 长话短说,现在就来看看T同学的个人经验! 我LSAT一路走来算是比较坎坷吧。 首战是17年,之前大概看了两套题,熟悉了一下题型就去考 …
LSAT Percentiles - LSAT Score Percentile Chart - LawSchooli
2021年7月26日 · Looking at LSAT percentile scores gives you a good way to understand why high scorers are in demand at law schools. 170-180 seems like a big range of numbers but, if you look below at the chart, you see that a tiny fraction of the total test-takers hit that score range- only 2.8% of takers in the year of LSAT takers in the last three years did so.
3.8 GPA, 169 LSAT Statistics - Law School Numbers
If you want to know what law schools you should be applying to with a 3.8 GPA, 169 LSAT, check out the stats below for similar LSN users: Change Your Scores: GPA
The Newest LSAT and GPA Medians – Class of 2023
2021年9月30日 · To help you pick reach, target, and safety schools, here are the most recent LSAT and GPA medians available, representing numbers for the law school class of 2023. Seeing the most recently admitted class numbers gives you the most accurate idea of where you’ll stand in the admissions game.
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