LSAT Disclosed Tests - The Law School Admission Council
These Official LSAT tests were administered for the testing cycles 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 and each contains three scored LSAT Sections administered on the date indicated for each test. A PDF version of each is available below. Information regarding LSAT scoring and LSAT reporting is available at LSAT Scoring.
The LSAT - Law School Admission Test
Studies have consistently shown the LSAT to be the single best predictor of first-year law school performance, even better than undergraduate grade-point average. An integral part of law school admission, the LSAT is also the only test that helps prospective law students determine if law school is right for them.
LSAT考试保姆级科普,2025年备考LSAT看这一篇就够了 - 知乎
LSAT全称Law School Admission Test,是美国法学院入学委员会 (Law School Admission Council,简称LSAC)为195所美国法学院及少量加拿大法学院设置的 J.D.入学资格考试。 美国几乎所有的法学院都要求申请人参加LSAT,其成绩作为法学院评估申请者的条件之一,是一项非常重要的衡量标准。 (国内的北大STL的JD项目目前也会考核学生的LSAT成绩) LSAT会计算你答对的每道题,而不是从累计分数中减去你答错的题。 (换句话说,蒙题不罚分。 )LSAC不给LSAT …
Register for the LSAT - The Law School Admission Council
You can register for the LSAT online through your LSAC.org account or over the phone at 215.968.1001.
‼️2025LSAT备考资料大盘点 小白入门必看—教材类资料+网站类 …
这些pt题是所有lsat考生的备考核心资料,它们是往年的lsat考试用过真题,lsac官方每年会放出1-2套,给考生作为参考练习。 所以这些PT套题考生们备考后期需要反复做题借以确认自己模拟成绩的工具。
LSAT Prep - Continuing Education Programs - University of South Carolina
LSAT Prep. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the entrance exam to get into law school. If you are looking for a prep course that will prepare you for the LSAT, USC is the place for you. We have partnered with The Princeton Review to offer LSAT Test Prep at a discounted rate.
LSAC - The Law School Admission Council | Prometric
The LSAT is the most trusted test in law school admissions and the only test accepted by all ABA-accredited law schools. Get your legal education journey off to the right start with the LSAT. Most test takers will have the option of taking the LSAT online in a live, remotely proctored format or in person at a professional testing center.
What Is The LSAT? Everything You Should Know - Forbes
2024年3月1日 · The Law School Admission Test (LSAT)® is the standardized test accepted by all law schools accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA).
The Ultimate 6-Month LSAT Study Schedule - Blueprint Prep
2025年1月23日 · Prepare for the LSAT with this sample 6-month LSAT study schedule designed to help you reach your LSAT score goals efficiently.
Free LSAT Downloads - Manhattan Review
Free downloads of LSAT materials are available from LSAC and other organizations. Read this page to learn about study aids, required forms, published research, practice questions, and practice tests available for free download.