Lower uterine section caesarean section(LSCS/LUCS) - MediGac
2024年7月13日 · Here we have discussed the steps of Lower section uterine caesarean section (LSCS or LUCS). We have discussed these topic by using detailed image collection and brief theory about the surgery. Some basics preparations are done before the patient goes cooperation theatre : OT dress is given. Any ornaments should be removed from body.
LSCS | PPT - SlideShare
2018年10月13日 · Lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) is a surgical procedure to deliver fetuses after 28 weeks of gestation through an incision in the lower uterine segment and abdominal wall. The rate of cesarean sections is rising due to various factors like identification of high-risk fetuses and mothers, increased use of repeat cesareans, and cesarean ...
Cesarean section (LSCS): Operative procedure - MedchromeTube
Cesarean section is an operative procedure to deliver a viable fetus or more through and abdominal and uterine incisions. 1. Anaesthesia: Usually done in spinal anaesthesia , sometimes under GA like in the cases of Eclampsia or Severe PET. The patient is tilted 10 to 15 degrees to her left using a wedge or blanket.
Cesarean Section Nursing Care for LSCS Operation - Nursingofficer
2021年2月12日 · Cesarean Section Indications Nursing Care for LSCS Operation. It is a surgical procedure usually after the end of the 28th week of gestation made an incision. through the abdominal wall and uterus wall to deliver the fetus through the abdominal wall. It is on Operative procedure. Routine Cesarean section delivery is not recommended.
lscs ppt.pptx - SlideShare
2022年7月12日 · Lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) is a surgical procedure where the fetus is delivered through an incision made in the lower segment of the uterus after 28 weeks of pregnancy. It is indicated when vaginal delivery is not possible due to issues like placenta previa, cephalopelvic disproportion, or fetal distress.
Case Study: Lower Segment Caesarean Section | PDF
An LSCS involves making a transverse incision below the bladder to deliver the fetus with less blood loss than other types of C-sections. [2] The case discusses the pre-operative management and steps of the procedure, including opening the abdomen, incising the uterus, delivering the baby, and ensuring the placenta is fully delivered. [3]
Lower uterine segment caesarean section(LSCS) Instruments set/list
2024年7月13日 · LSCS instruments. 1. Doyen’s Retractor : To retract the bladder. 2. Allis tissue forceps : Checking anaesthesia by holding abdominal skin. Holding rectus sheath during blunt dissection. Holding the angle of the uterus cut. Tubal ligation – …
Nursing Care Plan For Lower Segment Caesarean
2023年10月3日 · Nursing Assessment for Patient Post-Lower Segment Cesarean Section (LSCS): 1. Vital Signs: Monitor vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and temperature, at regular intervals. Assess for any signs of hemorrhage or hemodynamic instability. 2. Pain Assessment: Evaluate the patient’s pain level using a pain scale.
LSCS | PDF | Childbirth | Caesarean Section - Scribd
A lower segment cesarean section (LSCS) is performed when vaginal delivery is not possible or safe. The document describes the reasons for and possible complications of an LSCS. It provides details on the pre-operative, operative, and post-operative procedures of an LSCS, including incision site, pain management, recovery expectations, and ...
In the present day obstetric practice, caesarean section is predominantly done for relative indications. More often, multiple factors are considered together for the indications of caesarean sections. These cases may have vaginal delivery aided or unaided but are likely to be more risky to the mother and/or to the baby.