Tank Landing Ship LST-1086 Potter County - NavSource
One Landing Craft Tank (LCT), tanks, wheeled and tracked vehicles, artillery, construction equipment and military supplies. A ramp or elevator forward allowed vehicles access to tank deck from main deck. Additional capacity included sectional pontoons carried on each side of vessel amidships, to either build Rhino Barges or use as causeways.
LST-1086 - NHHC
LST-1086 was laid down on 5 December 1944 at Ambridge, Pa., by the American Bridge Co.; launched on 28 January 1945; sponsored by Miss Julia L. Rowan; and commissioned on 24 February 1945, Lt....
History of LST - 1001-1150 - Historycentral
lst-1086 Following World War 11, LST-1086 performed occupation duty in the Far East and saw service in China until late March 1946. She was decommissioned on 7 August 1946 and assigned to the Atlantic Reserve Fleet.
Potter County - NHHC
LST-1086 departed San Francisco 13 June, bound for deactivation at the Boston Naval Shipyard. Arriving Boston 13 July, she decommissioned there 7 August 1946 and entered the Atlantic Reserve...
中海級戰車登陸艦 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
中海級戰車登陸艦,舊稱為 中字號戰車登陸艦[1],為 美國 在 第二次世界大戰 建造的LST二型 戰車登陸艦。 简称L.S.T,俗称“開口笑”。 隸屬 海軍一五一艦隊。 LST二型有 LST-1級 (英语:USS LST-1) 、 LST-491級 (英语:USS LST-491) 與 奇蘭郡級 (英语:USS Chelan County (LST-542)) 三級,但外觀上無明顯區分。 艦首装有两扇门,能左右张开,另设活动跳板,位于两门之后。 艦体四周有双层夹壁,艦身中部成一统长方形大舱,无支柱,专供装运戰車、士兵之用 …
Potter County (LST-1086) - Haze Gray
LST-1086 departed San Francisco 13 June, bound for deactivation at the Boston Naval Shipyard. Arriving Boston 13 July, she decommissioned there 7 August 1946 and entered the Atlantic Reserve Fleet. LST-1086 was named Potter County 1 July 1955. On 9 August 1960 she transferred to the Government of Greece under the Military Assitance Program.
HyperWar: US Navy Landing Ships/Craft, 1940-1945 - The …
Capacity: 5 medium or 3 heavy tanks, or 6 LVTs or 9 DUKWs. All US Navy Landing Ships of World War II, listed by type and class, with descriptions and links to pages for individual ships.
List of United States Navy LSTs - Wikipedia
The Landing Ship, Tanks (LSTs) built for the United States Navy during and immediately after World War II were only given an LST-number hull designation, but on 1 July 1955, county or Louisiana-parish names were assigned to those ships which remained in service. More recent LSTs were named on launching.
Tank Landing Ship LST - NavSource
One Landing Craft Tank (LCT), tanks, wheeled and tracked vehicles, artillery, construction equipment and military supplies. A ramp or elevator forward allowed vehicles access to tank deck from main deck. Additional capacity included sectional pontoons carried on each side of vessel amidships, to either build Rhino Barges or use as causeways.
LST 1086 - NavalCoverMuseum
This section lists the names and designations that the ship had during its lifetime. The list is in chronological order. This section lists active links to the pages displaying covers associated with the ship.