Landing Ship, Tank - Wikipedia
A Landing Ship, Tank (LST) is a ship first developed during World War II (1939–1945) to support amphibious operations by carrying tanks, vehicles, cargo, and landing troops directly onto a low-slope beach with no docks or piers. The shallow draft and bow doors and ramps enabled amphibious assaults on almost any beach.
Landing Ships Tanks - Naval Encyclopedia
2016年9月3日 · Wartime LST description. The LST concept. The real incentive began when Prime Minister Winston Churchill demanded an amphibious vessel capable of landing at least three 36-ton heavy tanks directly onto a beach in 1940. It was to be seaworthy and capable of a 10 day cruise in high seas, be inexpensive and simple to maintain.
#39 The LST or Landing Ship Tank, a Ship That Could Land Tanks
A very nice cutaway of an LST, showing the ship with the ramp and elevator. LST high and dry at Normandy, click the image to see if LST-325 is going to be at a city near you!
Newport-class tank landing ship - Wikipedia
Newport-class tank landing ships were an improved class of tank landing ship (LST) designed for and employed by the United States Navy from 1969 to 2002. The ships were intended to provide substantial advantages over their World War II -era predecessors.
Tank Landing Ship LST-1179 Newport - NavSource
USS Newport (LST-1179) underway, February 1987 with Amphibious Squadron Four and Marine Amphibious Ready Group (MARG 2-87), 26th MAU embarked off the coast of Spain. Photo by Tom LaLumiere
USS LST-325 - Wikipedia
USS LST-325 is a decommissioned tank landing ship of the United States Navy, now docked in Evansville, Indiana, US. Like many of her class, she was not named and is properly referred to by her hull designation (LSTs in service after July 1955 were named after …
Tank Landing Ship LST-325 - NavSource
One Landing Craft Tank (LCT), tanks, wheeled and tracked vehicles, artillery, construction equipment and military supplies. A ramp or elevator forward allowed vehicles access to tank deck from main deck. Additional capacity included sectional pontoons carried on each side of vessel amidships, to either build Rhino Barges or use as causeways.
Yantar Shipyard Unveils Design of Improved Ivan Gren-class LST
2019年7月1日 · Yantar Shipyard, based in Kaliningrad, unveiled the preliminary design of the improved or follow-on Project 11711 Ivan Gren-class LST (Landing Ship Tank) for the Russian Navy. The image and text about the new project was published in the official internal newspaper of the shipyard (original link in Russian language):
LST-1179 - Navy Ships - Federation of American Scientists
2014年6月7日 · The Tank Landing Ship (LST) mission is to load and transport cargo, vehicles of all types, and troops to a combat area. These ships can launch amphibious vehicles via a stern gate as well as land vehicles to a beach or causeway over a bowramp. Troops and equipment can also be transported via helicopter.
过渡态搜索(LST/QST)问题 - 第一原理 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 互动 …
刚刚用CASTEP开始做过渡态搜索的工作,遇到了一些问题:1)reactants和products经过优化后晶格常数发生变化,无法match,该怎么处理? 2)搜索时LST和QST哪个更优? 3)计算结束后的.castep文件中应该有TransitionStateFound,但我的结果文件中搜不到,是不是没有成功搜索到过渡态? 该怎么样加大搜索循环次数? 请有经验的童鞋.